  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relation between Musical Intelligence and English Intonation Listening and Pronunciation

指導教授 : 陳姚真


本研究以Gardner多元智能理論、腦神經科學、音樂欣賞教學及英語語音學為基礎,探討音樂智能優勢學生與非音樂智能優勢學生在英語語調聽力及發音上的差異,並研究經過音樂欣賞教學後對英語語調聽力及發音能力是否有顯著的提升。本研究採準實驗研究法,研究對象從科學高中國中部八年級學生中,以「音樂聽力測驗」及「音樂學習歷程調查表」篩選出11位音樂智能優勢組學生及11位非音樂智能優勢組學生。以獨立樣本t考驗檢視兩組學生在「英語語調聽力測驗」的差異,並檢視兩組學生在英語單字發音上的「子音發音精確性」、「母音發音精確性」、「音高」、「重音」、「節奏」共5個項度上的差異,以及英文詩選段的「單字發音精確性」、「語調」、「流暢度」、「節奏」共4個項度上的差異。並以線性迴歸,檢視「音樂聽力測驗」得分是否可以預測「英語語調聽力測驗」及英語發音的得分。非音樂智能優勢組學生進行12週「音樂旋律欣賞教學」後,再進行第二次「英語語調聽力測驗」及英語單字與英文詩選段的發音錄音,以相依樣本t考驗比較教學前後,是否有顯著差異。 本研究結果如下: 一、 音樂智能優勢組學生在「英語語調聽力測驗」得分顯著高於非音樂智能優勢組學生,且「音樂聽力測驗」得分可以預測「英語語調聽力測驗」得分。 二、 音樂智能優勢組學生在英語單字及英文詩選段發音得分顯著高於非音樂智能優勢組學生,且「音樂聽力測驗」得分可以預測英語單字及英文詩選段發音得分。 三、 非音樂智能優勢學生在經過「音樂旋律欣賞教學」後,其「音樂聽力測驗」及「英語語調聽力測驗」得分的提升達顯著差異。 四、 非音樂智能優勢學生在經過「音樂旋律欣賞教學」後,在英語單字發音部份,「母音發音精確性」、「音高」及「節奏」3個項度的進步達顯著差異;「子音發音精確性」及「重音」項度的進步未達顯著差異。 五、 非音樂智能優勢學生在經過「音樂旋律欣賞教學」後,在英文詩選段發音部份,「語調」及「節奏」項度的進步達顯著差異;「單字發音精確性」及「流暢度」項度的進步未達顯著差異。 研究結果顯示音樂智能與英語語調聽力及英語發音有顯著的關係,依據研究結論提供教學實務參考及對未來研究的建議。


The present study is based on Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, neuroscience, musical appreciation instruction, and English phonetics and investigates into the differences in English intonation listening and pronunciation between students with excellent musical intelligence and students without excellent musical intelligence. This study also investigates into whether English intonation listening and pronunciation have improved significantly after musical appreciation instruction. This study adopts quasi-experimental design. The subjects were eleven students with excellent musical intelligence and eleven students without excellent musical intelligence. All the subjects were selected from eighth grade junior high students in the high school of science using the musical listening test and the musical learning processes questionnaire. Independent-sample t tests have been conducted to examine the difference on the English intonation listening test between the two student groups, the students with excellent musical intelligence and the students without excellent musical intelligence. Independent-sample t tests have also been conducted to examine the two groups’ differences in five aspects of English words’ pronunciation, i.e. in the accuracy of consonants’ pronunciation, the accuracy of vowels’ pronunciation, pitch, stress, and rhythm and in four aspects of selected English poems’ pronunciation, i.e. in the accuracy of words’ pronunciation, intonation, fluency, and rhythm. Linear regression analysis has been conducted to examine whether the scores on the musical listening test can predict the scores on English intonation listening test and English pronunciation. The students without excellent musical intelligence received twelve-week musical line appreciation instruction and then received the second English intonation listening test and tape-recorded their English words and selected English poems’ pronunciation. Matched-sample t tests have been conducted to examine whether there is a significant difference in the students’ performances between before and after the musical line appreciation instruction. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The students with excellent musical intelligence obtained significantly higher scores on the English intonation listening test than the students without excellent musical intelligence. Moreover, the scores on the musical listening test can predict the scores on the English intonation listening test. 2. The students with excellent musical intelligence obtained significantly higher scores on English words and selected English poems’ pronunciation than the students without excellent musical intelligence. Moreover, the scores on the musical listening test can predict the scores on English words and selected English poems’ pronunciation. 3. The scores of the students without excellent musical intelligence on the musical listening test and the English intonation listening test improved significantly after the students received the musical line appreciation instruction. 4. After receiving the musical line appreciation instruction, the students without excellent musical intelligence improved significantly in the accuracy of vowels’ pronunciation, pitch, and rhythm but did not improved significantly in the accuracy of consonants’ pronunciation and stress. 5. After receiving the musical line appreciation instruction, the students without excellent musical intelligence improved significantly in the intonation and rhythm aspects of selected English poems’ pronunciation, but did not improved significantly in the accuracy of words’ pronunciation and fluency. The results of the study have shown that musical intelligence are significantly correlated with English intonation listening and pronunciation. We hope the conclusions of this study can provide helpful suggestions for educational practices and future researches.


