  • 學位論文


Internal Auditor Training Effectiveness Analysis of ISO Quality Management System

指導教授 : 黃良志


近年來,隨著民眾醫療知識水準的提高,選擇就醫地點不再只是考量便利性,更考量醫療機構的醫療品質與服務流程,促使醫療機構紛紛開始尋求醫療品質管理系統的支援,且嚐試以多元化的品管工具來進行醫療品質促進,因此,對運用ISO 9001品質管理系統做為品質管理工具的醫療機構而言,應該透過每年的內部稽核執行讓系統持續且有效性運作。 教育訓練是提昇ISO品質管理系統內部稽核人員素質的主要方式,訓練成效評估可瞭解訓練的結果,因此,本研究以參加個案醫院2012年ISO教育訓練課程的受訓人員為研究對象,並以實驗設計方式為研究方法,將受訓人員分成實驗組與控制組,進行課程的前後測、訓練成效及學習滿意度問卷調查,以SPSS 12.0統計軟體進行資料處理與分析,透過t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)進行檢定。研究結果發現: 一、接受實地演練教學的實驗組,後測成績平均分數優於控制組的後測平均分數,亦優於整體的的後測平均分數。 二、實驗組的訓練成效平均分數高於控制組的訓練成效平均分數,亦高於整體的訓練成效平均分數,但實驗組與控制二組間的訓練成效平均分數並無顯著差異。 三、實驗組的學習滿意度平均分數高於控制組的學習滿意度平均分數,亦高於整體的學習滿意度平均分數,但實驗組與控制二組間的學習滿意度平均分數並無顯著差異。 依據研究結果,提出具體研究結論與建議供醫療機構醫療品質管理與後續研究之參考。


In recent years, the people have raised their medical knowledge. Convenience is no longer the primary factor to be considered when the people are choosing medical services; the quality of medical institutions, medical and service processes is an important factor as well. In the given context, medical institutions are seeking the support from medical quality management system, and attempting to improve the quality of medical services by utilizing various quality control tools such as ISO 9001 Quality Management System. The implementation of ISO 9001 requires competent annual internal audit to keep the system running effectively. Auditor training is important for running an effective internal audit system, which needs to be analyzed to know if the training is effective. In this study, the ISO Quality Management training course (for auditors) in a hospital is analyzed. The research uses the quasi-experimental designs to evaluate the pretest and post-test, the training effectiveness and satisfaction. Main findings of the research include: 1. Field exercise in the experimental group received better post-test scores than the control group; the average post-test scores of the group are also better than the average of the all. 2. The training effectiveness scores of the experimental group are better than the control group and are also better than the average of the all. But the training effectiveness scores are non-significantly different between the experimental group and the control group. 3. The learning satisfaction scores of the experimental group are better than the control group and are also better than the average of the all. But the learning satisfaction scores are non-significantly different between the experimental group and the control group. The two groups had significant training effectiveness and satisfaction. Based on the research results, the concrete conclusions and suggestions will provide to quality management of medical institutions and further study as the references.


台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司(2009),ISO 9001:2008內部稽核員訓練課程課程手冊,台北縣。
何秀玲、羅字茜、鄭凱玲、楊裕熙(2008),實施ISO 9001 2000品質管理系統對醫院績效的影響,品質月刊,44(12),33-39。
