  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 馬躍中


只要有選舉活動,賄選犯罪似乎就無法避免,台灣地區賄選風氣之盛,儼然成為台灣選舉一大特色。過去對賄選犯罪的研究,往往將賄選犯罪與行賄罪畫上等號,並著重探討投票行賄罪而忽略受賄罪之探討,另外,賄選犯罪之成因亦值得深入探討,藉由瞭解犯罪之成因,方能對症下藥,找尋有效防治對策。故本文期望藉由犯罪學、社會文化、政治因素及候選人、選民因素等巨觀及微觀面向探討賄選犯罪之成因,並整理近年來賄選犯罪之法院見解,集合文獻予以分類探討,分析實務對賄選犯罪之看法以及法院對於賄選犯罪之審酌標準及認定。 本文主要採文獻分析法進行研究,蒐集整理相關文獻資料,包含書籍著作、期刊、論文、報章新聞、法規範與判決等相關文獻,加以整理分析,使論述能更具深度與專業性。研究發現如下:賄選有其錯綜複雜之成因、賄選犯罪成立要件中最有爭議且最難認定者是「對價關係」判斷、學界與實務界意見較不同之處在於投票受賄罪之有投票權人認定以及賄選犯罪罪數之認定。 最後,就上述研究結論提出研究建議有下列幾點:以褫奪公權或當選無效作為賄選主要處罰、加強肅貪工作、善用「窩裡反條款」解決共犯認定之困難、對價關係之認定方式、提升全民政治素養等。


對價關係 投票行賄罪 賄選 選舉 賄賂


As long as there are votes held, bribery crime seems to be unavoidable. Taiwan custom of bribery has become a major feature of votes . On the past study of bribery crime , it tend to equate with vote buying but ignored the vote of accepting bribes. Besides,the causes of bribery offenses are also worth discussing further. By understanding the causes of crime , we can find effective countermeasures. Therefore, this study will investigate the causes for the bribery crime by studying criminology, social cultural, political factors, candidates factors, voters factors, and other macro and micro factors. This study will also collect recent court opinion and the documents to classify and explore bribery , and analyze practices of views and the court discretion to realize and recognize the standards of bribery crime. This study uses literature analysis and collect relevant literature to study, including books , journals , papers, news, laws and judicial practice , so that it can be more in-depth and professional. The study found the following : bribery has its intricacies causes, the most controversial and difficult to identify of bribery crime is the judgment of " Consideration Relationship" , the different views between academics and practitioners are the subject of accepting bribes crime and the number of bribery crimes . Finally, the study suggests the following points :use the deprivation of civil rights or vote invalid as bribery major penalties, strengthen anti-corruption work , use " Leniency Programs" to resolve the identity of complicity , the way to identify " Consideration Relationship",and promote the entire population political literacy.


5. 吳重禮、黃妃(1999),雲嘉南地區賄選案件判決的政治因素分析:「層狀勝算對數模型」之運用,選舉研究,第七卷第一期,頁87-113。
7. 吳親恩(2012),立法委員選舉的賄選誘因與效果-從SNTV到EPTP,台灣民主季刊,第9卷第1期,頁41-80。
13. 陳朝政(2010),從李乙廷案省思賄選認定之問題,東吳政治學報,第28卷第2期,頁97-147。
17. 孫銘鴻、吳重禮(2012),政治因素對於賄選訴訟案件的可能影響:司法專業人士的觀點分析,台灣政治學刊,第16卷第1期,頁119-186。
18. 張世熒(2008),台灣公職人員選舉賄選現象之研究,中國行政評論,第16卷第12期,頁49-72。
