  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 廖坤榮


在傳統社會中,政治權力集中在少數菁英的手裡,社會的主流思想、價值體系基本上是由他們決定的,事實上,公民權的產生並非與生俱來,而是經由一次一次的運動爭取而來的,例如勞工權利的爭取、黑人的公民權運動等等,這些都是「追求承認的鬥爭」(struggle for recognition),同樣的婦女的參政權亦是「追求承認的鬥爭」的產物,雖然婦女運動到今日只有二百多年的歷史,可是帶給世人的啟發確是最具震撼性。 臺灣女性在選舉中當選的席次,有落後於男性的現象,而事實上女性長期被隔離於政治生活之外,女性的感覺和經驗也一直被忽略和異化,直到女性參政者逐漸增多,女性也漸漸發展出更多選舉競爭的方式,同時尋找更多的資源,不同的女性參政者有不同的價值觀與人格特質,因此她們在從政的過程如何突破社會壓力、扮演適當的角色,她們是如何調適的呢?與男性參政的差異性又為何?女性參政和婦女政策是否具有關聯性?由於對以上問題的好奇,而設定了本研究的主題。 選擇臺北市女性議員的原因,乃係臺北市的行政效率及人民生活指標均居全國之冠,是整個臺灣社會結構與政治生態的縮影,因此臺北市議會有小內閣之稱,係為女性參政最具代表性的場域,而議會政治就是觀察女性參政的重要指標,就研究觀察臺北市第十一屆女性市議員,參與政治的自主性很強,而且熱情度很高,但卻仍然無法突破於政黨、家族政治之外,培植個人的政治資源,開拓出不同的參政路徑,民主化的臺灣在這個課題上,並沒有太大的進展。 但從臺北市第十一屆女性市議員的特殊性:高連任(新科議員只有三位)、高學歷(碩士居多且有三位博士)以及高支持率(皆不靠婦女保障名額),這三高的特色顯示:女性參政者的實力與背景同樣重要,社會的變遷使得女性越來越懂得提升自我價值,促使女性的社會生存能力變強,她們創造了一個實質男女平等的社會環境。


Traditionally, the political powers are in the hands of small number of elites who decides for the society what is the predominating ideology and value set. Citizenship is therefore not inherent, but are fought for and earned through movements, such as labor rights and civil rights for people of African descent. These "struggle for recognition" also include movement for women's' political rights. And although the Women's Right Movement has only been around for 200 years, it has brought to the world one of most powerful revelations to date. In Taiwan, the number of electoral seats represent women is less than men. Because women have long been isolated from political arena, they have therefore felt neglected, alienated by and thus become inexperienced in exercising civil rights. However, the situation has changed with the increase in number of female politicians, together with how adept they have become to the election campaign process and the resources they’re able to round up in competing with men for electoral seats. Because different female politicians possess different value sets and characters, therefore the paper tries in finding out how they have come to adapt and to overcome social strains, while find balance between different roles? What are the differences between them with male politicians? Are there any correlations between women’s political involvement and the women’s policy? The paper choose council women serve the Taipei City Council for analysis, not just because of the city's administrative efficiency and living indexes are among the highest in the nation, but also Taipei City is the microcosm of the Taiwanese sociological and political superstructure. The Taipei City councilors are often considered as cabinet candidates, so the council women’s participation in the City Council serves as an important index as well as its symbolic meaning on women in politics. The council women in the councilors of the 11th term of Taipei City, although highly independent and passionate in their jobs, remain unable to gain political resources and momentum beyond the influence of party or family politics. There has not been much progress in this regard before or after democracy is fully realized in Taiwan. However the demographics of the council women in the councilors of the 11th term of Taipei City tells another side of story, that one's ability is just as important as which party or family she belong to. We can see that most of these council women have served more than one term (only 3 of them are in their 1st term), have obtained graduate degree (most have masters' degree while 3 have obtained doctoral degree) and high approval rating (none of them were elected by reserved seats for women). These stats show how the ever-changing society nowadays prompts women to better realize self-value and to strengthen their social survivability. They have created a substantively equal society for both sexes.


