  • 學位論文


A Study on the Nature of Law Concerning Debt Liquidation Cases of Laid-off Workers

指導教授 : 郝鳳鳴博士


關廠工人清償債務案法律性質之研究 謝宗穎 國立中正大學法學院法律研究所 摘要 本研究的主要目的在探究關廠勞工清償貸款案法律之性質。於民國86年間政府的財經政策,造成大量的關廠潮,這些關廠失業勞工因為爭取工作權及資遣費、退休金等問題無法藉由規範之保障,紛紛走上街頭抗議,勞動部(前行政院勞工委員會)為安定這些失業勞工,而提出貸款方式作為措施,暫時平息了這場紛爭。 惟這些貸款請求權時效將屆至,尚有半數左右勞工仍未還款,勞動部依法必須請求這些關廠失業勞工返還貸款,而全案進入法院訴訟,在法院裁判中一部分貸款契約被判斷為私法案件適用民事法律、一部分案件則被判斷為公法事件適用公法法律而裁定移轉至行政法院,也有部分案件在訴訟外和解。而在行政法院則有聲請大法官統一解釋裁定暫停訴訟及行政法院之判決兩種類型,在判決類型中則有行政契約及社會促進、社會補償等爭議類型。 關廠失業工人事件原本僅是一個單純貸款事件,卻隨著法院各種不同裁判見解,讓事件呈現各種不同的結果。是以,本研究以關廠勞工清償債務案之事件之法律性質為基礎研究,去探究關廠勞工清償貸款案司法審查爭議,藉由本研究呈現關廠勞工清償貸款爭議案與司法實務審判及學說間爭議之所在,俾便行政機關嗣後於保護失業勞工規範實踐之參考。


A Study on the Nature of Law Concerning Debt Liquidation Cases of Laid-off Workers Tsung-yin Hsieh The Graduate Institute of Law at National Chung Cheng University Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of debt liquidation laws over the course of repayments and court rulings on laid-off workers. In 1997, Taiwan’s government implemented a Southward Policy which led factories to move their operations to Southeast Asia and hence many of them shut down operations and laid off workers in Taiwan. Unemployed workers took to the streets to fight for their rights to work, severance pay, and pensions because these weren’t secured or regulated by the policy. Therefore, the Ministry of Labor (which was the Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan at the time) offered loan measures to temporarily appease the heated dispute. However, as repayment deadlines were approaching, nearly half of the loan payments were still unsettled. By law, the Ministry of Labor was required to request for repayment, and the unsettled loan payments were brought to court. Some of the loan contracts were rendered by the court as civil cases and were thus applicable to civil laws, while some were rendered as public cases and were applicable to administrative laws, hence were transferred to the Administrative Court. Yet there were some that were settled out of court. Cases to the Administrative Court could petition for constitutional interpretation of Justice of the Constitutional Court to suspend litigation or rely on Administrative Court rulings, which involve disputes regarding administrative contracts, social facilitation and social compensation. This loan issue of laid-off workers was originally a simple type of case, but ended up with varying results as court rulings differed. Therefore, this study was based on the evolvement of various cases and court rulings to investigate the nature of debt liquidation laws on this issue. With this study, the context of these cases involving years of disputes can be clearly revealed, and can be used as reference by administrative agencies in future regulations to protect laid-off workers






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