  • 學位論文


A Study on Hakka Language of Pingtung County in Yuquan Village, Jiuru Township and Luoyang Village ,Yanpu Township

指導教授 : 吳中杰


臺灣的客家話以四縣腔最通行,以地理分佈來看,又可再分北四縣和南四縣。北四縣主要分佈於桃園和苗栗,內部的客家方言一致性相當高;而南四縣主要分佈於高雄和屏東,即所謂的「六堆地區」,其內部的客家方言相較紛歧。 本文作者針對目前尚未有人進行語言調查之屏東縣九如鄉玉泉村暨鹽埔鄉洛陽村,進行客家話語料的蒐集,並與高屏地區其他四縣客家方言作語音現象和詞彙之對比,探討當前高屏地區客家語言的面貌。 論文總共五章:第一章為緒論,說明研究動機、研究方法、研究目的及發音人介紹。第二章為文獻探討與回顧,以及介紹本研究之方言點-玉泉村及洛陽村。第三章描述方言點之語音系統及特點,說明其聲母、韻母、聲調,以及語音流變等現象。第四章透過語言接觸理論,說明玉泉村及洛陽村與高屏地區四縣客語音系統對比分析,探究其借用成分、語音和詞彙之變遷與發展。第五章為結論,彙整以上論點及新發現。


The “Si-Xian Hakka” language is the most widespread Hakka languages in Taiwan. According to the geographical distributions, “Si-Xian Hakka” accent can be divided into “North Si-Xian” and “South Si-Xian” accents. The “North Si-Xian” accent in “Taoyuan” county and “Miaoli” county has the tendency to display the high consistency of Hakka dialect, while the “South Si-Xian” is referred to “Liudui Region” in “Kaohsiung” county and “Pingtung” county where Hakka dialects tend to be much dissimilar compared with the previous one. Author aims to make a thorough inquiry “Pingtung” county in “Yuquan” village,“Jiuru” township and “Luoyang” village,“Yanpu” township where no linguistic study has been covered before. Besides, the “Si-Xian Hakka” dialects of “Kaohsiung” and “Pingtung” area concerning phonetic and lexicon contrast analysis are discussed in the study in order to display the current state of Hakka language in “Kaohsiung” and “Pingtung” areas. There are five chapters in the thesis. Chapter 1 is the introduction that illustrates the motivation, the method, the purpose of the research, and the background of speakers. Chapter 2, it presents the literature review, introduction, and discussions concerning “Yuquan” village as well as “Luoyang” village. Chapter 3 describes the phonetic system and features of Hakka dialect for the illustration of the initial consonants, final consonants, tones and speech flow mutations, etc. By the adoptation of the language contact theory the description regarding “Yuquan-Luoyang” and “Kaohsiung-Pingtung” Hakka languages contrast analysis is presented in chapter four for proving the constituents of language borrowing and the developments of phonetics and lexicon. Chapter 5 is the conclusion to sum up all the discussions and observations.


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