  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the Best Ranking Time for Junior and Professional Tennis Player

指導教授 : 何正斌


本研究探討網球選手青少年與職業最佳排名時間分析,從國際網球協會(International Tennis Federation , ITF)官方網站撰寫Excel VBA程式擷取選手資料,總共擷取男、女選手121,714人(男性83,840人、女性37,874人)資料,經剔除無效資料(出生年1930年之前)後,區分年齡層及排名分類,統計各年齡層,不同選手的青少年與職業排名成績之間的關聯性分析。經研究分析結果發現:1.各年齡層選手人數男性多於女性,並且男女年齡越低人數越多。2.青少年及職業最佳排名平均年齡,ITF前10名男性17.82歲、女性16.82歲,ATP/WTA前10名男性25.18歲、女性23.47歲;女性選手比較年輕就可以達到最佳排名。3. 男女選手各年齡層職業前100名人數比例都是以具有ITF前10名者為最高,並且女性人數比例高於男性;而在20歲以下男女選手人數比例都最低,顯示ITF排名愈高者,相對職業網球發展優於其它排名分類,並以此為贊助挑選對象,應可獲得預期成效。4.依研究推論作為贊助對象挑選方法,從20歲以下男女職業前100名之後一級101~200名選手中,挑選男女選手5人(男性2人、女性3人)實證比較,歷經約一年半之賽事都可以達到職業前100名。5.本研究可提供經紀公司、各國網球協會、球具廠商及贊助商,作為挑選選手贊助的重要參考。


The study aims at ranking time analysis for tennis players when they were junior and turned pro. The data was extracted from the web of International Tennis Federation (ITF) using Excel VBA. Total of 121,714 players (male: 83,840 and female 37,874) and deleted players who born before 1930. Players are classified into 4 groups according to their ages. The relations between junior and pro rankings for each player are analyzed. The study found: 1: The headcounts for male players is more than female players. More players to play in recent years. 2. ITF top 10 ranking were achieved when they were 17.82 years old for males and 16.82 years old for females. Males with ATP top 10 rankings achieved when they were 25.18 years old and the average age for female players with WTA top 10 ranking is 23.57. Women tends to have better rankings when they are younger than male.3. ITF top 10 players have the highest percentage who can achieve pro rankings of top 100. Female % is higher than male’s. 4. Sponsors can pick players with pro rankings of 101~200 to finance them. Five players (2 males, 3 females) are selected in the study. After 1.5 years playing, they can all achieve Top 100. 5. Agents, tennis associations, equipment manufacturers and other sponsors can use the study as important references to funding.


ITF Junior Tennis Ranking Pro Tennis Ranking


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