  • 學位論文


An Investigation of Learning Processes and a Development of Residential Plumbing DIY Materials in Jiuru Township

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


中文摘要 學號:N10370008 論文名稱:九如鄉居家水電DIY之教材發展與學習的探究 總頁數:175 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 所別:技術及職業教育研究所 畢業時間及摘要別:104學年度第2學期碩士學位論文 研究生:林志成 指導教授:鍾鳳嬌 博士 論文摘要內容:   本研究旨在探討九如鄉居家水電DIY之教材發展與學習的探究,並以九如鄉鄉民為研究對象,藉以了解居家水電DIY之教材的發展與可行性,以及學習學員對居家生活水電DIY之探究。本研究使用行動研究,以九如鄉鄉立圖書館舉辦居家水電課程之22位鄉民學員學習歷程之探究;經八週水電課程教學後,每一節課程均實施滿意度問卷及開放性問題互動,以瞭解學員之學習滿意度。利用統計軟體進行分析方法,及質性訪談互動與教室場所觀察歷程記錄等。   本研究獲得下列研究結果: 1. 發展居家水電DIY之教材:本研究利用問卷調查九如鄉民最需要的居家水電DIY項目,作為本次教學的主要內容,分別選出電燈日光燈維修換裝、更換開關插座、更換淋浴蓮蓬頭、更換水龍頭及臉盆龍頭、簡易疏通水管、換裝馬桶水箱零件、更換無熔絲開關及認識區分電錶等八個主題項目。 2. 九如鄉居民學習居家水電DIY的學習歷程:教學者以講解、示範、互動問答方式進行課程,並利用實務DIY操作模式進行居家水電課程。學員並不會因性別、學歷與職業而對學習操作認知有所差異,因此,關於居家水電DIY的學習成效,只要有興趣有需求,無論男女學歷職業經歷的居民都可參加學習。 3. 居家水電DIY教學策略:本研究所進行的九如鄉居民學習居家水電DIY課程共採用了講解、實務操作、Facebook(FB)及Line群組互動式策略、鼓勵支持等教學策略,讓參與學員學會居家水電DIY的課程。 4. 運用現代科技增進教學效能:本研究將教學歷程剪輯後分享於YouTube影片,讓學員於家中瀏覽輔助影片,可增進學員的學習成效。另外,亦將DIY輔助教學影片放置於網路FB及Line群組上,透過FB群組及手機LINE群組互動教學策略,不但可讓學員在課堂上進行學習,在課外家庭上也可做為DIY複習操作之用。 5. 參與居家水電DIY學員的課程回饋意見:本研究於每週課程結束利用問卷調查學員對教學課程的回饋意見,分別針對教學與師資、關聯性問題、建議事項作參與課程的滿意度意見調查,結果發現大部分學員均表達對居家水電DIY課程非常滿意程度。   另外,本研究九如鄉居家水電DIY之教材,由於學員學習滿意度極高的獲評,以及運用教材於日常生活中的成效顯著,大部分的學員以及未能上到此課程之民眾,都盼望能再開設進階班,顯見本研究教學課程對社會有所助益。 關鍵詞:居家水電、DIY教材發展、教學策略


Abstract Student ID: N10370008 Title of Thesis: An Investigation of Learning Processes and a Development of Residential Plumbing DIY Materials in Jiuru Township Total Pages: 159 Graduate Institute: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Institute of Technological and Vocational Education Date of Graduation: June, 2016 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Lin, Chih-Cheng Advisor: Dr. Feng-Chiao Chung Abstract: The study aims to investigate the plumbing and electrical DIY material’s development and practicality in Jiuru Township and to explore villagers’ attitudes toward DIY with plumbing and electricity. The subjects of the study are villagers in Jiuru Township. Action Research was adopted in the research. The investigation was based on the learning progress of 22 villagers taking plumbing and electrical courses held by Jiuru Township public library. After 8 weeks’ courses, satisfaction questionnaires and open-ended questions were employed during each course to explore villagers’ satisfaction. Methods like SPSS, qualitative interviews and in-class observations were used. The research results are: 1. The development of plumbing and electrical DIY materials: The 8 teaching topics were based on Jiuru villagers’ questionnaires, which are repair and replacements of lights and fluorescent lamps; replacements of switch sockets; replacements of shower heads; replacements of faucets; simple unclogging of water pipes; replacements of water tank components in toilets; replacements of no fuse breakers and identifications of ammeters. 2. The progress of Jiuru villagers’ learning process: Instructors carried out the courses by dictating, demonstrating, and interactive questioning and answering. Hands-on DIY operating mode was used. Factors like gender, educational background, or occupation will not affect villagers’ operational cognition. As long as villagers have interests and needs, they can all participate and learn. 3. The teaching strategies of plumbing and electrical DIY: The courses in the study adopted teaching strategies like dictation, practical operation, Facebook (FB), LINE group interactive mode, encouragements and supports to get villagers’ involved. 4. The teaching effects were enhanced by adopting modern technology: The study shared the edited videos on YouTube for villagers to browse at home to enhance their learning effects. In addition, auxiliary teaching videos were put on Facebook and LINE groups, the villagers can not only learn during classes but review the procedures at home as well. 5. The feedbacks from villagers: At the end of each week’s course, questionnaires were contributed to the villagers to collect feedbacks. The questionnaires aim to investigate villagers’ satisfaction on the teaching, teachers, related questions, and suggestions. The results show that most villagers are very satisfied with the DIY courses. The courses and the materials were highly praised by villagers; they all look forward for more advanced courses. This indicates that the courses in the study are contributive to the society. Keywords: plumbing and electrical, developments of DIY teaching material, teaching strategy


