  • 學位論文


Heavy mental contents in river sediments of serpentine environmental in eastern Taiwan.

指導教授 : 許正一


本論文主要探討臺灣東部地區蛇紋岩地區之河川底泥重金屬濃度分佈,並以幾何平均濃度(geometric mean, GM)及其標準偏差為基礎計算各種重金屬基線濃度(baseline concentrations),並分別以鋁和鐵為參考元素計算各種重金屬富集因子(enrichment factor, EFAl)及(enrichment factor, EFFe),以比較不同重金屬的累積程度,各種元素基線濃度分別為:As 0.94-41.2 mg/kg、Cd 0.05-0.29 mg/kg、Cr 4.83-8860 mg/kg、Cu 11.9-129 mg/kg、Ag 0.02-0.78 mg/kg、Mn 358-1800 mg/kg、Ni 15.8-716 mg/kg、Pb 2.77-51.0 mg/kg、Zn 45.4-107 mg/kg、Fe 2.17-8.79 % 、Al 4.21-9.10 %、Ca 0.53-18.2 % 、Mg 0.56-10.0 %、Mo 0.20-0.87 mg/kg 、V 36.1-337 mg/kg 、Co 7.45-81.7 mg/kg。 在富集因子無論以EFAl 或 EFFe判斷都以砷(7-10)為最大,其次為鉻(5-8)、銀(3-6)、鎳(2-4)、錳、銅、鋅、鉛、鈣、鎂、鈷、釩(1-2)、而鉬、鎘(<1)是最低的。元素之間高度的相關性可顯示出底泥中的重金屬與來自母岩的風化有極大的關係,本研究區域因地表加速沖蝕與逕流使底泥中鉻、鎳濃度偏高外,底泥中砷及錳也有累積在底泥的現象,是需注意主要的污染潛勢。 關鍵字:底泥、蛇紋岩、基線濃度、富集因子、重金屬


底泥 蛇紋岩 基線濃度 富集因子 重金屬


This paper mainly discusses the concentration distribution of heavy metals in the river sediments of serpentine environment in eastern Taiwan and the geometric mean concentrations (geometric mean, GM) and its standard deviation is calculated on the basis of various concentrations of heavy metals in the baseline (baseline concentrations). Respectively, aluminum or iron to calculate various heavy metal enrichment factor (enrichment factor, EFAl) or (enrichment factor, EFFe) as the reference to compare the extent of heavy metal accumulation.Baseline concentrations of various elements: such as As 0.94-41.2 mg / kg, Cd 0.05-0.29 mg / kg, Cr 4.83-8860 mg / kg, Cu 11.9-129 mg / kg, Ag 0.02-0.78 mg / kg, Mn 358-1800 mg / kg, Ni 15.8-716 mg / kg, Pb 2.77-51.0 mg / kg, Zn 45.4 -107 mg / kg, Fe 2.17-8.79%, Al 4.21-9.10%, Ca 0.53-18.2 %, Mg 0.56-10.0 %, Mo 0.20-0.87 mg / kg, V 36.1-337 mg / kg, Co 7.45-81.7 mg / kg. In the Enrichment factor, arsenic (7-10) is the largest in both by EFAl or EFFe , followed by chromium (5-8), silver (3-6), nickel (2-4), manganess,copper, zinc, lead, calium,magnesium,cobalt,vanadium, (1 - 2), and molybdenum, cadmium (<1) is the lowest. High degree of correlation between the elements can show have a great relationship between heavy metals in sediments and weathered from the parent rocks, the study area due to accelerated erosion and surface runoff so that sediment chromium, nickel concentration is high, the sediment arsenic, manganese, have accumulated in sediment phenomenon, It should be noted that the main potential pollution. Keywords: sediment, serpentinite, baseline concentration, enrichment factor, heavy metal.


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