  • 學位論文


Research on the Visual Style of Taike Culture

指導教授 : 卓聖格


台客文化隨著台灣主體意識的提高,成為台灣重要且極具影響力的次文化之ㄧ。台灣內部在不同時期,吸納了各式多元異質文化,在彼此相互激盪、融合下,反映在藝術創作、設計作品中。檳榔西施、電子花車、電音三太子等,都變成台灣特有的文化,甚至在正式公開的慶典中,都可以看到代表台灣文化特色做表演。一些從事設計與藝術創作者也抽取其中的議題,發展出「台」味十足的「台客風」作品。從台客風格的藝術、設計等作品中可以看出運用廟會慶典中生猛大膽俗艷配色的視覺效果、雜燴式的拼貼手法、大量取材底層文化,以及女體情慾挑逗的表現,利用豪爽的台式俚語用詞、髒話等,追求「俗」的平民美學價值,這些元素成為台客風格視覺的特色。 本研究藉由歷史文獻資料分析歸納以往有關台客文化研究文獻,分析台客風格藝術作品、設計作品、廣告圖像文案等,再加上田野調查觀察檳榔西施、電子花車女郎、電音三太子、八家將等民間陣頭活動,和一般民眾互動行為,訪談相關藝術創作者與設計者,了解作品內涵與意義,歸納出台客風格的視覺特色以及其價值所在。 如何吸納、消化、轉換出具有強壯原質與創造性的生命力量,是當前創作者、設計者所常面臨的問題。「台客」文化的潮流興起,過去被認為俗不可耐的「壞品味」,如今反倒成為流行趨勢,「台客」逐漸創造出屬於自己的品味主張。設計者在面對這些新觀念、新品味的衝擊下,如何展現自己的創意思維,不落入抄襲、盲目跟從的窠臼中,成為日後在設計思考的新課題。「台客風」設計的繼續蓬勃發展,無疑將為台灣本土設計風格注入一股新的生命力,也為台灣設計風格的建立,提供一個重要來源。


As Taiwan’s subject consciousness enhances, Taike (T.K.) culture becomes one of the important and influential subcultures in Taiwan. The internal part of Taiwan has absorbed various kinds of diverse heterogeneous cultures in different phases. Under mutual agitation and integration, such cultures are reflected by art creations and design works. Betel nut beauties, Techno Prince New Dance, decorated electric light vehicles and others have become Taiwan’s exclusive cultures. What’s more, the performances representative of Taiwan’s cultural features can be seen in formal and public celebrations and opening ceremonies. Also, by adapting the issues concerning these, some designers and art creators develop the “Taike Style” works full of “Tai” taste. From the Taike Style works of art and design, we can see that they have visual effect of bold and vulgar color combination utilized in temple fairs and celebrations, as well as mixture-like piecing techniques, substantially-adopted underclass cultures, and the performances of female bodies’ carnal flirtation. Forthright Taiwanese slang words and filthy language are utilized, to pursue the value of “vulgar” folk aesthetics. These elements become the visual features of Taike Style. In this study, through historical literatures and data, previous researches and literatures related to Taike (T.K.) culture are analyzed and generalized, to analyze the art works, design works, advertising images and slogans that have Taike Style. Also, through Field Study, the interactive behavior between common people and the folk array activities, such as betel nut beauties, the girls on decorated electric light vehicles, Techno Prince New Dance, and Eight Generals, are observed. Related art creators and designers are interviewed, to understand the content and meaning of the works and to generalize the visual features of Taike Style and what their value is. The issue encountered by current creators and designers is how to absorb, digest and transform to have the power of life that has strong essence and creativity. In terms of the emerging trend of “Taike” culture, the “bad taste” that used to be considered as unbearably vulgar has become a popular trend these days instead. “Taike” has gradually created the position attributed to its own taste. When facing the impact of such new concepts and new taste, designers have new issues regarding how to demonstrate their own creative ideas and not to fall into the stereotypes of plagiarism and blind deference, when designing and thinking in the future. As “Taike Style” designs continue to develop vigorously, a new strain of vitality will be poured into Taiwan’s native design style undoubtedly. Also, an important source for the establishment of Taiwan’s design styles will be provided.


19、周明,〈神秘威武的街頭舞者 ── 「八家將」與「官將首」淺釋〉,《台灣源流》,2008年6月。
