  • 學位論文


The Relationship Between Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance and the Cost of Debt Capital

指導教授 : 劉政淮
共同指導教授 : 王琮胤(Tsung-Yin Wang)


本研究以Heckman (1979)的兩階段迴歸法(two-stage method)探討董監事責任險(Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance; 以下簡稱D&O責任險)與負債資金成本(Cost of Debt Capital)之關聯。本研究之研究期間與研究對象為2008年到2015年的台灣上市(櫃)公司。實證結果顯示,相較於未投保D&O責任險之公司,已投保D&O責任險之公司,負債資金成本較低,且當D&O責任險之投保金額越高,負債資金成本也會越低。此實證結果顯示,當公司有投保D&O責任險或投保金額較高時,對董監事具有激勵誘因效果,不但能促使董監事審慎經營管理公司,理性的債權人也會願意降低其所要求的風險貼水,使公司負擔的負債資金成本降低。實證結果驗證主管機關為強化外部治理機制所推廣的D&O責任險,對於改善公司治理確有成效,並可進一步降低債權人所要求的風險貼水,代表這是正確的政策方向。


By using Heckman’s (1979) two-stage approach, this study examines whether the purchase of directors’ and officers’ (hereafter D&O) liability insurance plays a corporate governance monitoring mechanism or moral hazard of managerial opportunism role in the cost of debt for the firms listed in Taiwan for the period from 2008 to 2015. The empirical results reveal a negative relationship between D&O liability insurance purchase policy and the cost of debt. In addition, the findings document that firms with higher D&O liability insurance coverage enjoy a decrease of the cost of debt. These results support the notion that D&O liability insurance plays a corporate governance monitoring role for Taiwanese firms and could offer protections to their D&Os, leading to a decrease in the cost of debt.


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