  • 學位論文


High Power Semiconductor Laser Circuit Design

指導教授 : 林士強
共同指導教授 : 杜維昌(Wei-Chang Du)


雷射二極體在材料加工、醫學治療及細微製程上已經衍生許多應用。隨著特性提升及功率的增加,也已經開始逐漸取代部份非二極體雷射的應用市場,例如CO_2雷射,或是成為以摻鐿光纖為增益介質之光纖雷射的激發光源。由於摻鐿光纖雷射具有能源轉換效率高、光束品質佳、在相對小的系統體積能容易產生更高輸出功率等優點,因此更適用於微結構材料加工技術。 本論文,主要針對摻鐿光纖雷射的二極體激發光源做研究,利用微處理器進行類比數位轉換,結合可數位邏輯裝置,並配合雷射電路來驅動波長915nm的二極體雷射,最後使該二極體雷射激發光源功率達到50瓦。與其他驅動雷射電路相比,此一的系統兼具可程式化及高功率的雷射源輸出。有助於提升國內光纖雷射相關產業的研發能量。


Laser diodes had been used in many applications ,such us materials processing, medical treatment and fine manufacturing. Due to the performance improvement and power increasing, laser diodes have replaced the partially application of non-diode laser before, for example, the CO2 laser. The laser diode also played a very important role in Yb-doped fiber laser system because it was the pump light source of such laser system. In this thesis, we designed a subsystem including a digital to analog converter, programmable PLDxK-CH device and current driving circuit. A pumping light with 50 Watt optical power and 915 nm central wavelength have been experimentally demonstrated by using our designing subsystem. When compared to the previous work of pump diode driving circuits, our design has the progress of programmable and high power.


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