  • 學位論文


The Study on the Business Strategies for the Taiwan's Banking Industry Entering Mainland China

指導教授 : 張志雄


中國大陸金融市場之經濟規模,是國際跨國銀行都無法忽視的區域,兩岸簽訂MOU與ECFA後,台資銀行業赴大陸佈局發展已由未來式轉換成現在進行式,然而,兩岸金融發展脈絡、法令制度與經營發展策略間彼此不同,因此,如何有效應用台資銀行業進入大陸的經營發展策略將成為重要的研究課題。本研究以文獻分析、SWOT分析與專家訪談方式,針對台資銀行業西進中國大陸的經營策略進行探討。以兩岸與外資銀行金融體制及開放之經營條件加以分析,藉由台資與外資銀行目前之經營發展經驗及專家訪談結果,進行台資銀行業進入大陸市場營運策略之SWOT分析,整合建置台資銀行業西進大陸之發展策略與模式,以提供作為台資銀行業經營之參考。 本研究結果發現,台資銀行業西進大陸市場之經營策略為:1.兩岸已簽署ECFA,可採設立分行、子行、參股、併購與策略聯盟等模式;2.提高經營的格局和視野,以一線城市優先,三線城市次之,以鄉村包圍城市;3. 不應侷限於經營台商業務,應適時擴展據點、結合當地銀行結盟;4.發展財富管理、企業金融與消費金融業務;5.自由經濟示範區與上海自由貿易試驗區合作,形成境內關外的自由貿易港區;6.人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)方式投資大陸,帶動台資銀行業者人民幣業務商機。


台資銀行 銀行業 經營策略


The scale of economy in the money market of mainland China cannot be neglected by the international multinational banks. After both sides of Strait signed MOU and ECFA, the Taiwanese capital-based banking industry has been developing in mainland China; however, due to the differences in financial development context, law system, and the management development strategy in both sides, how to effectively apply the the management development strategy of Taiwanese capital-based banking industry has become the important research topic. This research seeks to explore the management strategy of Taiwanese capital-based banking industry in mainland China through literature analysis, the SWOT analysis and the expert interview, and to analyze the management conditions in the opening of the monetary syatem of both foreign capital-based banks and those of both sides by doing SWOT analysis on the management strategy of Taiwanese capital-based banks in mainland, on the bases of the current management development experiences of foreign capital-based banks as well as the results of expert interview, to monetary system and the opening of operating condition, because of the Taiwan capital and management development experience and the expert interview result, hoping to integrate the development strategies and the patterns of Taiwanese capital-based banking industry in mainland, and provide management references for Taiwanese capital-based banking industry. The study finds that management strategies of Taiwanese capital-based industry in mainland include: 1.as both sides have signed ECFA, establishing branches, sub-lines, share-holding, merger and acquisition and strategy alliance is feasible, 2.promoting management scale and pattern, starting from first-line cities, followed by the cities of the third line, with cities surrounded by the villages, 3.operating business without being confined to Taiwanese businessman service; instead, expanding the foothold, unifying the local banks to form an alliance, 4.developing wealth management, enterprise and consumer financial services, 5.cooperation between free economy model districts and the Shanghai free commercial harbor area to form the free commercial harbor area outside the passes, 6.investment in mainland through Renminbi qualified foreign institute investor (RQFII), triggering the business opportunity of Taiwanese capital-based banking entrepreneurs on Renminbi service.


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