  • 學位論文


Comparative Study of Sewer System Installations In the Taichung Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 張子修


為配合政府推動污水下水道工程,有效提昇污水下水道之用戶接管普及率,自2003年至2008年間將用戶接管普及率由11.5%提昇至22.1%,整體污水處理率由22.8%提昇至32.0%,而為達到此目標,對於目前國內用戶接管工作究竟採用何種模式較為有利,必須作出一個評估及研究,俾供爾後相關業者得以參考。 本論文為探討目前最適合臺灣臺中地區本土化之污水下水道用戶接管模式,乃蒐集國內設計及施工中之用戶接管相關資料,以現行傳統型用戶接管模式(A 模式)、日式多功能匯流管模式(B 模式)及混合模式(C 模式),透過相關文獻回顧、案例資料分析及相關設計參數實驗,以探討臺灣臺中都會地區污水下水道用戶接管模式之差異,分析並比較各種用戶接管型式優勢、劣勢、機會、威脅及檢討改善之建議,並對三種用戶接管模式於成本、水理、功能、維修及壽命、施工空間等因素作一比較,做為未來各縣市政府辦理用戶接管工程之參考,全面共同推動


Recently, the installation of sewer system in the major metropolitan areas throughout Taiwan has become of the most important government projects, in which the increase of household connection percentage is the major target by the related government administration. The household connection percentage has been increased from 11.5% to 22.1% as a result of overall efforts by all involved sectors in Taiwan from year 2003 to 2008, while during the same time period the percent of processed household sewer water increased from 22.8% to 32.0%. Based on the knowledge and techniques obtained from past completed sewer projects in Taipei and cities in Japan, 3 installation models (A, B, and C) were identified and examined for the current and future sewer projects in Taiwan. The study was conducted to investigate the selection and feasibility of using one of the selected 3 installation models for the sewer system installation in the Taichung metropolitan area in central Taiwan. Results of the study include comparison and difference between the 3 installation models during installation operation to provide adequate information for selection of suitable model best for particular site and building conditions. In addition, improvement tactics for all perspective models were obtained as results of case data studies regarding strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) of each installation models with respective to project factors of material and design of sewer line, and environmental conditions. However, lack of data and study regarding the in-direct cost and life span of the sewer line materials have imposed significant uncertainty and negative impacts on timing and successful completion of the sewer line installation projects in the study area. A series of laboratory tests regarding sewer discharge velocity were also conducted along with analysis of installation cost, function, maintenance, and life span of each model for better understanding and selection of proper installation model. Results of the study can be useful for future similar sewer installation in other metropolitan areas in Taiwan.


8 內政部營建署,挑戰2008-國家發展重點計畫實施計畫,臺北,2003。
5 顏慧敏,污水下水道用戶接管模式研究與成本分析-以臺北市及高雄市
1 吳銜桑,污水下水道工程統包(D/B)採購策略研究-以高雄市用戶接管建


林悅翔(2015)。重力式與真空式污水下水道系統分析 -以明德水庫特定區為例〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0212330
