  • 學位論文

仿生蜂巢狀結構設計應用 以露營帳篷隔熱效果為例

Bionic Application Honeycomb Structure in Heat insulation-A Case Study of Camping Tent Design

指導教授 : 陳建男


自古以來,人類對於蜜蜂的勤勞以及蜂巢的巧妙,無不讚揚有加。從生物學的亞里斯多德 (Aristotle),以及近代的博物學家達爾文 (Darwin) 都曾留下讚美的語句。達爾文稱讚蜂巢為「在已知的本能建構中,是最令人驚奇的成就」。蜂巢不論是在勞動力上或蜂蠟的使用上,都符合經濟原則,是趨近於完美的。而向大自然造物學習其優點,學習後發展,正是人類進步的一大動力。本章從仿生設計的觀點探討,蜂巢狀結構是如何形成,原理是如何應用在我們的生活當中,物理結構如何被廣泛的應用於包裝業,航空業、家具及營建業。再根據蜂巢狀結構的物理特性與優點,將其應用在露營帳篷之需求上,在透過分析蜂巢狀結構特性於產品設計及發展概況,匯整露營帳篷普遍存在的問題,例如帳篷保暖以及隔熱效能,以及產生問題的原因,瞭解露營帳篷的需求要素,針對露營帳篷保暖的問題,以品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)為輔助方法,配合所收集的使用者資料,有系統地將使用者需求轉換為設計參考指標,將這些資訊整合於產品設計中,明確指出產品改良目標,以開發符合使用者需求的兼顧保暖及隔熱性、輕巧耐用的露營帳篷。最後產品利用SWOT交叉分析產品結構之優勢和劣勢,改善品質屋之矩陣結構關係,乃至於設計目標與方針的訂定合理化,來協助應用蜂巢狀結構於產品設計,以強化品質機能。


From past until now, humanity was not without appreciating very much for diligent bee and skillful honeycomb. Both Aristotle who was a Greek biologist and Charles Darwin who was a modern naturalist had ever left compliments. Darwin showered honeycomb with compliments. It is the most amazing achievement for bee to build up honeycomb by its animal instinct. Whether the bees' workforce or using beeswax, honeycomb was the most fitted in with economy principle, and approached to perfect. The creations of nature to learn its advantages, after learning and development, it is a major driving force of human progress. This chapter began to discuss from design bionics opinions. How the honeycomb construction to take shape? How to apply to our life? How to widespread use on package industry, aviation industry, furniture industry and construct industry? Then according to physical characteristics and advantages of honeycomb, which was used in camping tent. By analyzing characteristics of honeycomb’s structure, and then aggregate the common problems, for example, thermal insulation efficacy and so on. The major problem is known that the tent’s elements of requirement. However, we could take the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as a secondary method, collecting the actual demand of the relevant information. With the actual needs of the relevant information collected in a systematic way to convert the actual end use demand-reference index. Convert it to the technical requirements, this information will be integrated in product design and manufacturing process, we should figure out the effort goal of future. Developing fit in with the demand of camping tent, both for warmth and insulation, lightweight and durable camping living space. Finally, we could use SWOT analysis to analyze strengths and weaknesses of products, and improve matrix organization of house of quality. Setting a reasonable design goal and policy to assist in explanations on honeycomb structure product design and strengthen quality function expansion feasibility


QFD Camping tents honeycomb bionics


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(22) 唐明志,2005-6,"三明治蜂巢板之隔音性能"
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