  • 學位論文


The Study of Welling Factor on Voluntary Soldier

指導教授 : 張鐵軍


隨著資訊科技所帶來戰爭型態的改變,台軍雖已隨著「精進案」及後續執行的「精粹案」進行人力結構調整,高技術兵源需求增加,人員的專業訓練也需要較多的時間才能與精密的科技武器相結合。馬英九總統國防政策明列推動全募兵制,逐年擴大募兵比例,期於2015年完成全募兵制,以募集高素質、意願強的人力,建構專業優質的新台軍,為改善台軍義務役士兵役期縮短不符合人力訓練成本及軍隊基層士兵快速更換造成的運作困難此等狀況,台軍已完成「精粹案」兵力結構調整方案及募兵制的規劃,後續將以更務實的態度精益求精,強化建軍備戰成果,持續國防轉型,有效提升國防組織效益,確保台軍戰力,以利軍隊戰力之維持及專業職能持續不斷。 本研究旨在探討志願役士兵之留營意願是否受到薪資與福利、工作滿足、幹部領導風格與外在影響因素及工作滿意等因素影響,因此以天弓飛彈部隊為主並輔以部分陸軍工兵、空軍基勤部隊之志願役士兵及其轉服士官為研究對象進行調查,共發出問卷300份,刪除無效問卷78份,共取得有效問卷211份。依其對影響留營意願之因素等量表認知蒐集資料,進行實證研究,具體研究結果如下: 一、個人基本資料之現在階級、服務年資與服務地點對留營意願達顯著差異。 二、薪資與福利對留營意願有顯著正相關。 三、工作滿意對留營意願為顯著正相關。 三、幹部領導對留營意願為顯著正相關。 四、組織承諾對留營意願為負相關。


With the change of pattern of the war in the information technology, Taiwan has "sophistication" and the follow-up to the implementation of "best case" for human resource structure adjustment, increased demand for highly skilled manpower resource under, professional training for its staff need more time to combine technology with precision weapons. Ma Ying-jeou President defence policy Ming column promoting full mercenary system, every year expanded recruitment proportion, brought 2015 completed full mercenary system, to raised high quality, and wishes strong of human, construction professional quality of new Taiwan army, for improved Taiwan army obligations bondage soldiers bondage period shortened does not meet human training cost and the army grass-roots soldiers fast replaced caused of operation difficulties this, situation, Taiwan army has completed "pristine case" strength structure adjustment programme and the mercenary system of planning, follow-up will to more pragmatic of attitude excellence, strengthened army preparing for results, Continuing defence transformation, enhance defense organizational effectiveness, ensuring that military forces, to facilitate the maintenance of military forces and continuing professional functions. This research aimed at discussion volunteer bondage soldiers of left camp wishes whether was pay and welfare, and work meet, and cadres leadership style and external effects factors and the work satisfaction, factors effects, therefore to days Bow missiles forces mainly and auxiliary to part Army engineering, and air force base service forces of volunteer bondage soldiers and go clothing NCOs for research object for investigation, total issued questionnaire 300 copies, delete invalid questionnaire 78 copies, total made effective questionnaire 211 copies. According to their effects on cognitive factor equivalent to studying in camps will of table collects data for empirical research, specific findings are as follows: 1.Basic personal data now rank, length of service and willingness to service locations to camp up significant differences. 2.Pay and benefits have a significant positive impact on willingness to stay in camp. 3.Job satisfaction have a significant positive impact on willingness to stay in camp. 4.Cadres and leadership camp will have a significant impact. 5.Organizational commitment left camp will have a significant impact.


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