  • 學位論文


Exploring the Factors Affecting Learning Achievements of Cram School Students-The Study of a Junior and Senior High Cram School in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉定焜


國民義務教育由早期的六年延長至九年,近期更將期限延長至十二年,雖然政府的政策在於減少學生升學的壓力,並增加學生多元升學的管道,藉以減少學生補習的需求,然而學生補習的風氣並未隨著政府政策或時代的演變而減少。特別在國民所得提高及少子化的衝擊下,家長對於下一代教育的重視程度亦有增無減,為了不讓自己的孩子一開始就輸在起跑點,除了接受在學校的正規教育外,亦會讓子女們到各類補習班進行補習教育,也造就台灣補習王國之盛況。 以往文獻多針對補習文化、補習班教師教學行為對學生學習影響予以探討,但對補習班學生補習後學習成效之研究仍嫌不足,以及區分學生學習態度、師資、教學、課程與補習環境等因素,對補習班學生補習後學習成效影響之實證亦不多見。有鑑於此,本研究採問卷調查法建構本文之變數與資料,除對補習學生之基本統計變數與學習成效加以討論,另外也針對學生學習態度、動機、師資、教學、課程與補習環境等因素進行區分與詳細剖析,對補習班學生補習後學習成效之影響因素予以深入探究。進一步建構488位高中與146位國中補習學生的各項變數資料,包括性別、教育程度、父母親職業、補習科目、補習年限與學習成效等樣本資料,藉由運用 Ordered Probit 迴歸模式,進行相關的實證分析,結果顯示: 若以全樣本634人分析,有10個變項達顯著水準。學生並非因為父母親要求或為了和同學一起才參加補習班,可見其對學校成績是相當重視的。此外,結果顯示學生對老師上課內容能結合時事表示贊同,學生也認為老師能引發學生動機,對學習成效具正向顯著水準。 若按國、高中兩族群區分,高中學生的補習年限、因為父母的要求才補習(負向顯著)、老師能將課程與時事結合、老師引起我的學習動機、在學校考試成績有明顯進步等因素達到顯著水準,顯示高中學生並不會因為父母的要求不得已才參加補習班的課程。而國中補習學生中,成績不理想會多用功使成績提升、補習老師能將課程與時事結合、補習班提供的課程符合學生需求。 按補習年限區分,補習1-2年學生族群,影響學習成效的8個變項都達到統計10%的顯著水準,補習數理科的學生學習成效較語文科補習學生成效差。補習2-3年學生顯示出幾項結果,影響學習成效的11個變項都達到統計10%的顯著水準。若學生主動訂正錯誤、成績不理想會多用功,則學習成效就相對愈高。至於學生在補習時感到厭煩,其學習成效亦會降低。 藉由學生的上課感受和學習結果,蒐集相關資料,加以分析和解讀,希望能獲得寶貴的經驗,提供給授課教師及補教機構,做為改進教學技巧的依據,以提高學生學習動機和成效,並作為政府擬定相關教育政策之參考。


In the past, compulsory education was extended from six to nine years, and more recently, has been extended further to 12 years. The policy of the government is to reduce student academic pressures, and to increase students' multiple ways of entering a higher school, for the purpose of reducing the demand for attending cram schools; nevertheless, current culture of attending cram schools has not decreased along with the evolution of government policies or era. Especially under the impact of the increasing national income and the declining birthrate, parents continuously think highly of the education of the next generation. In order to not let their children fall behind from starting line, parents allow their children to attend cram schools for remedial education in addition to receiving formal education. These make Taiwan a Land of cram schools. Previous research aimed at exploring the influences of cram school culture and the respective teacher's teaching behaviors on the students’ learning, but research of said cram school students’ subsequent learning achievements are still inadequate. In addition, empirical results of distinguishing influential factors among students’ learning attitudes, teacher qualification, teaching methods, the curriculum and environment of cram schools on students’ subsequent achievements are also rare. In view of this, this study adopted the construction of questionnaires and data variables. Besides the discussion of basic statistical variables of attending cram schools and learning achievements, this paper also differentiates and explores a detailed analysis on factors of students’ learning attitudes, teacher qualification, teaching methods, and the curriculum after going to cram schools. Furthermore, this paper draws its data and variables from 488 senior and 146 junior high school students who currently attend cram schools, including their gender, education level, parental occupation, remedial courses, life at cram schools and learning achievements etc., by using Ordered Probit Regression Model. First of all, the samples of the study are separated into two groups, including senior and junior high students, and some variables have significant effects on both groups. Senior high students’ learning achievements are affected by the years they spent enrolled at a cram school as well as efforts of the cram school teachers in integrating lessons with current events. Surprisingly, we have found that most students do not attend cram schools because their parents require them to do so. In addition, results show that positive reinforcement and motivation can improve performance and raise grades. Meanwhile, with regards to junior high students, the results of ordered probit show that students obtain better learning achievements if they try harder to improve their grades and when cram teachers integrate the lessons with updated events. Moreover, when the samples are separated into other two groups by attending years, 1-2 years and 2-3 years. Eight variables have significant effects in the group of 1-2 years. Students who attend math and science classes have worse leaning achievements than those who attend language classes. On the other hand, eleven variables have significant effects on learning achievements of 2-3 years. To be more specific, students will obtain better achievements when they are willing to study harder and correct the mistakes. On the contrary, students’ learning achievements become poorer if they always feel bored and distracted in classes. This paper collects, analyzes and interprets relevant data through students’ feelings in class and subsequent learning achievements in order to gain valuable results. It is noteworthy that we may provide teachers or teaching institutions with our results for improving teaching skills, learning motivation, and achievements, and we may also offer the government authorities beneficial references and suggestions to aid them in drafting educational policies.


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