  • 學位論文


The influence of health cognition and consumer behavior of adolescents with sugar-sweetened intake:Using Taichung Ming-Tai high school as an example

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


本研究旨在瞭解台中市私立明台高中學生的健康認知對含糖飲料消費行為之研究,故以一百零二學年度第二學期的一、二、三年級在學學生計有高中部、應用外語科、資料處理科、室內設計科、美容科、幼保科、觀光科、餐飲科共8個科系作為母群體。總人數約為89個班級,共計約為4089人。以便利抽樣法,抽取383人為樣本,經問卷調查所得資料經過分析,研究結果得重要發現如下: 一、 受訪學生之含糖飲料消費知識頗高;每天獲取含糖飲料便利性上,資料顯示每位學生平均每天購買含糖飲料約為一次,而每週接觸含糖飲料訊息頻率的管道以電視、網路最高,消費行為中以個人喜好為購買含糖飲料的首要條件,另外受訪學生含糖飲料一週的平均飲用量為4-6瓶(杯)為最多數,最常購買的飲料包裝以包裝飲料為最大宗,最常購買的含糖飲料類別是茶類飲料 。 二、 受訪學生含糖飲料消費知識會因「性別」之不同而有顯著差異,其中以女生較高;每天購買含糖飲料會因「性別」、「年級」、「家庭社經地位」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以男生、高一年級與中社經地位家庭較多;含糖飲料消費行為會因「年級」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中高三年級者較佳;每週含糖飲料紀錄量會因「性別」、「自覺健康狀況」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以男生、自覺健康狀況的「極差」者較多;最常購買的飲料包裝會因「性別」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以女生購買包裝飲料者較多,每週獲取含糖飲料訊息頻率、最常購買的含糖飲料類別則與個人背景因素無關。 三、 受訪學生飲用含糖飲料行為會因「性別」、「每週零用錢」、「自覺健康狀況」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以女生、每週零用錢在101-500元者、自覺健康狀況「尚可」者有較高的含糖飲料知識;受訪學生飲用含糖飲料行為會因「性別」、「年級」、「社經地位」、「每週零用錢」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以女生、高一年級、低社經地位、每週零用錢在101-500元者有較高的每週接觸含糖飲料訊息頻率;受訪學生飲用含糖飲料行為會因「性別」、「社經地位」、「自覺健康狀況」之不同水準而有顯著差異,其中以女生、低社經地位、自覺健康尚可且每天「一次」 者有較高的每天購買含糖飲料。 四、根據迴歸分析,受訪學生的總變異量的22.3%,其中以「性別」、「自覺體型」、「自覺健康狀況」、「每天購買含糖飲料」等四項為主要的預測變項,其中以每天購買含糖飲料的影響程度最大,自覺健康狀況次之,性別的影響程度最小。結果顯示受訪學生是男生、自覺體型過重者、自覺健康狀況差者、每天購買含糖飲料者,其飲用含糖飲料的量就越多。 五、經研究發現受訪學生的健康認知的知識頗高,但相對的卻無法降低對飲用含糖飲料的攝取,可見學生對於含糖飲料的攝取與健康認知是知與行不一的狀態,也就是說學生的健康認知的知識與含糖飲料飲用量並無直接的影響。


The main purpose of this research was to understand the influence of health cognition and consumer behavior of adolescents with sugar-sweetened beverages(SSBs)intake, background, knowledge of consumption and consumer behavior. A comprehensive survey was done by using the total 383 senior high school students, including 8 departments which were the General high school, The Department of Applied Foreign Language, The Department of Data Processing, The Department of Interior Design, The Department of Beautification, The Department of Early Childhood Care and Education, The Department of Tourism Industry and The Department of Restaurant Management, there were 89 classes and 4089 students, who were selected by using convenience sampling from Ming-Tai high school of Taichung city in May, 2014. After analyzing the information acquired in the questionnaires. The major findings were as follows: 1.The knowledge of SSBs was high degree. The accessibility of SSBs was high, according to the survey that every student has bought the SSBs once a week. Among the channels of exposure to SSBs, TV and Internet had the highest frequency. Personal favor was the first position of the consumer behavior. Survey responser gets 4-6 cups of SSBs each week, the most students bought packed and tea of SSBs. 2.There is significance relation between the knowledge of SSBs, gender. In the knowledge of SSBs, female’s average score is better male. There is significance relation between the buying SSBs everyday, gender, grade, social-economic. In the buying SSBs everyday, male, tenth grade and middle social-economic buy more SSBs. There is significance relation between the consumption of SSBs, grade. In the consumption, twelfth grade is better than tenth and eleventh grade. There is significance relation between the record of SSBs, gender, and perceived health status. In the record of SSBs, male and the worst of perceived health status drink more SSBs. There is significance relation between the packages of SSBs, female buy more package of SSBs than male. There is no significance between the channels of exposure to SSBs and the kinds of SSBs and personal background factors. 3.There is significance relation between SSBs intake, gender, pocket money per week and perceived health status. Those who are female, around 101 to 500NT dollars pocket money per week and better perceived health status were tendency to have higher knowledge of SSBs. There is significance relation between SSBs intake, gender, grade, social-economic and pocket money per week. Those who are female, tenth grade, lower social-economic and around 101 to 500NT dollars pocket money per week were tendency to have the higher channels of exposure to SSBs. There is significance relation between SSBs intake, gender, social-economic and perceived health status. Those who are female, lower social-economic, better perceived health status and buy SSBs once per day were tendency to buy SSBs everyday. 4.The variances of SSBs intakes which could be explained by all research variables were up to 22.3%. The main predictors are gender, self-body-image, perceived health status and buying SSBs everyday. The most important predictor toward SSBs intakes was the buying SSBs everyday. The perceived health status comes to second. The gender has the less frequency. As a result, male, overweight of self-body-image, the worst condition of perceived health status and buying SSBs everyday that drinks the more SSBs than others. 5.According to the research result. Survey responser’s knowledge of SSBs is high but they can not reduce SSBs intake. Meanwhile, Student’s knowledge of SSBs and SSBs intake are not equal. According to the study result, some suggestions were offered to schools, families and further studies about the influence of health cognition and consumer behavior of adolescents with sugar-sweetened beverages(SSBs)intake.




