  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 潘明全


由於企業管理的觀念改變,部分環境清潔以外包方式交付承攬,民間清潔服務業雖蓬勃發展,但多以傳統方式經營;國外已有許多利用加盟連鎖方式經營清潔服務業的成功案例,但國內目前很少有以加盟型態經營清潔服務業之公司,此方式將是傳統清潔產業可考量之創新經營方式;若能找出何者為清潔業員工與加盟總公司接觸時考量因素,並了解潛在加盟者人格特質在加盟過程中對加盟權利義務之看法,將有助於找到對的加盟主,用對的方法經營清潔加盟體系。 本研究以國內一家外商公司清潔員工為研究對象,採問卷調查方式,針對員工屬性與內外控特徵、加盟意願、加盟內容之關係,進行相關性研究,研究發現如下: 1. 員工屬性與加盟意願關聯性分析:研究發現員工屬性之「服務年資」、「性別」、「職務」與加盟意願有顯著關聯性;表示員工服務年資不同,其加盟意願不同;員工性別不同,其加盟意願不同;員工職務不同,其加盟意願不同;員工年齡不同,其加盟意願不同。 2. 員工屬性與加盟方案喜歡程度關聯性分析:研究發現受試者之方案喜歡程度不會隨著員工屬性的不同而有所差異。 3. 員工屬性對加盟主權利義務的同意程度關聯性分析:本項研究發現只有員工屬性之「撫養人數」達顯著水準,表示員工撫養人數不同,會影響其對加盟主權利義務之同意程度。 4. 員工屬性對加盟合約規範的同意程度分析:研究發現受試者對加盟合約規範的同意程度,會因服務年資而有所不同;相較於年資較短者,服務年資越久對加盟合約規範同意程度越高。 5. 人格內外控特徵與加盟意願關聯性分析:研究發現受試員工的加盟意願,會因為人格內外控特徵而有所不同;表示人格內外控特徵取向,會影響員工是否有意願加盟。 6. 人格內外控特徵與加盟方案喜歡程度關聯性分析:研究顯示受試員工不會隨著人格內外控特徵不同,對加盟方案喜歡程度有所差異。 7. 人格內外控特徵對加盟主權利義務的同意程度關聯性分析:整體顯示受試者不會隨著人格內外控特徵不同,對加盟主權利義務同意程度有所差異。 8. 人格內外控特徵對加盟合約規範的同意程度關聯性分析:研究顯示受試者不會隨著人格內外控特徵不同,對加盟合約規範同意程度有所差異。


清潔 加盟 內外控人格特質


Due to changes of managerial concepts, some environmental cleaning has been assigned to professional cleaning industry by contract. Although private cleaning companies are budding, most of them are run in a traditional way. In overseas countries, there have been many successful examples integrating franchising into the cleaning business. However, few Taiwanese cleaning corporations adopt the mode of franchising, which will surely be an innovative mechanism for the future. It aids in locating appropriate franchisers and efficiently managing a franchising system of cleaning business if we can find elements cleaners might take into account when contacting the head office of chain stores, or if we can understand the effects personal qualities of cleaners have on perception of franchisers’ right and obligations. Issuing out questionnaires to employees from a foreign cleaning enterprise in Taiwan, this research probes into the relationship among workers’ demographics, internal-external control, the will to join a franchise, and the content of franchising contracts. The results are: 1. Analysis of the relationship between employees’ demographics and the will to join a franchise: it is found that the will to join a franchise is associated with the length of staying in one firm, gender and position in the company. In other words, the will to join a franchise goes with a worker’s staying in one firm. The will to join a franchise goes with the gender of a worker. The will to join a franchise goes with a worker’s position in the company. 2. Analysis of the relationship between employees’ demographics and franchising projects preferred: it is discovered that the preference isn’t influenced by the demographics of employees. 3. Analysis of the relationship between employees’ demographics and acceptance of franchisers’ right and obligations: it is revealed that only one variable- the number of feeding mouths, among all demographics of employees, is related to the acceptance of franchisers’ right and obligations. 4. Analysis of the relationship between employees’ demographics and agreement with regulations of a franchising contract: it is disclosed that length of staying in one firm and marital status affect the agreement with regulations of a franchising contract. The longer one stays in one firm, the more likely he will agree with regulations of a franchising contract. 5. Analysis of the relationship between internal-external control and the will to join a franchise: it is proved that the will to join a franchise is influenced by internal-external control. Namely, internal-external control influences the worker’s will to join a franchise. 6. Analysis of the relationship between internal-external control and the franchising projects preferred: the results tell that internal-external control will not change the preference of franchising projects. 7. Analysis of the relationship between internal-external control and the acceptance of franchisers’ right and obligation: the research illustrates that the internal-external control doesn’t have an impact on the acceptance of franchisers’ right and obligations. 8. Analysis of the relationship between internal-external control and the agreement with regulations of a franchising contract: he research demonstrates that being an internal or external doesn’t matter in the agreement with regulations of a franchising contract.


Cleaning Franchise Locus of control


1. Andrisani, P. J. and Nestel, G. “Internal-External Control as Contributor and Outcome of Work Experience,” Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol.61(1976): 156-165.
3. Brickley, J. and Frederick H. Dark,“The Choice of Organization Form:The Case of Franchising,”Journal of Financial Economics, Vol.18(1987): 401-420.
4. Buss, D. M.(1998). “Sexual Strategies; Historical Origins and Current Status.” The Journal of Sex Research, 35(1): 19-31.
5. Carman, James M. and P. Kenneth, Marketing Principles and Methods, Richard D. Irwin Inc., 7th ed,(1973): 200-206.
6. Carney, M. and E. Gedajlovic,“Vertical Integration in Franchise Systems:Agency Theory and Resource Explanations,”Strategic Management Journal, 12(1991): 607-629.
