  • 學位論文

利用低溫電漿改質製備雙功能熱塑性聚氨酯彈性不織布並於表面固定AMPS 水膠

Dual Functionality of TPU Nonwoven Prepared by Plasma Treatment and Surface Grafting 2-Acrylamido-2-Methylpropanesulfonic Acid

指導教授 : 陳克紹


為了提高基材表面親、疏水性,常會透過電漿處理或是離子束照射 等材料表面改質技術來完成。而根據過去經驗,基材表面濕潤性通常需 要兩道或是更多繁瑣的製程,才能達到基材一面親水一面疏水的性質。 因此本研究藉由親水性異丙醇(IPA)電漿或氬氣(Ar)電漿處理熱塑 性聚氨基甲酸酯(TPU)彈性不織布表面的同時,於TPU彈性不織布底面襯 墊一疏水材料,利用此種方法得到基材兩面不同的性質。TPU不織布基 材表面因為親水性電漿處理得到親水性質,底面則透過電漿處理過程中 的蝕刻反應,藉由蝕刻襯墊疏水材料,使TPU不織布基材底面產生疏水 性官能基,來達到底面疏水的特性,之後透過改質後的TPU不織布親水 端,經由紫外光接枝聚合技術於TPU不織布表面固定吸水性2-丙烯醯胺 -2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)水膠。 襯墊疏水材料應用分為兩部份,第一於底部襯墊矽膠來達到基材 親、疏水特性,第二於底部襯墊聚丙烯薄膜,由結果發現透過底部襯墊 此兩種疏水材料,TPU不織布兩面親疏水差異可達17°~23°,並且可成功 利用其親水端固定(AMPS)水膠,而在XPS元素分析結果中,可以發現 TPU不織布底面會產生含si官能基以及carbure等官能基結構。 AMPS水膠機械性質測定結果中,隨著AMPS單體溶液以及NMBA 交聯劑濃度的增加,水膠形貌可看到隨著交聯密度的提高水膠孔洞變 小,結構更為緻密,水膠抗壓強度與交聯密度會隨之提高。同時交聯密 度的提高,有助於膨潤率增加,但當交聯程度過高會導致水膠結構不易 膨脹,導致膨潤率降低。


In order to improve surface hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, the surface modification of materials is carried out by plasma treatment or ion-beam irradiation. According to the wettability treatment experiences that substrate usually using two processing or more to get one side hydrophilic and another side hydrophobic. In this study, we use hydrophilic isopropyl alcohol (IPA) plasma treatment or argon (Ar) plasma treatment on the thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) elastic nonwoven which the bottom of the substrate with a hydrophobic property. This method expects to modify different effects on both sides of the substrate. One side with the enhance hydrophilic on TPU elastic nonwoven , while the functional groups on the other side have to maintain the hydrophobic characteristics of TPU elastic nonwoven. Subsequently the hydrophilic was used side to graft with 2-acrylamide-2-methyl propane sulfonic acid (AMPS) hydrogel by ultraviolet light. We treated substrates by two ways, the first way was to treat the bottom of the substrate with a silicone rubber becoming hydrophobic and hydrophilic. The other way was to treat the bottom of the substrate with a polypropylene. The surfaces contact angles difference can reach 17° to 23°. TPU elastic nonwoven treated with IPA or Ar plasma showed a decrease in the COO contribution. IPA or Ar plasma treated on the TPU nonwoven in which the bottom of the substrate with a silicone rubber could produce silicone containing functional groups and carbure. According to the determination of the mechanical properties of AMPS hydrogel results, the increase of AMPS monomer solution and NMBA crosslinker concentration will cause the increase of hydrogels strength and crosslinking density. Morphology of the hydrogels results showed that the increase of crosslinking density resulted in smaller pores size. The crosslink density increased would result in the increase of swelling ratio increased, but high degree of cross-linking will cause limited expansion of the hydrogels structure is not easy expansion in water as the swelling ratio decreased.


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