  • 學位論文


Studies on the fermentation characteristics of probiotic bacteria in germinated brown rice milk and influence on vitamin contents.

指導教授 : 羅培仁


本研究目的是探討數株益生性雙叉桿菌及乳酸桿菌菌株在發芽糙米奶中的發酵特性及對其B群維生素含量的影響,藉以評估其做為含有益生菌之非乳源發酵製品的可行性。首先,測定發芽期間之糙米澱粉酶活性的變化,結果顯示發芽6天糙米的澱粉酶活性(20.7±1.2 U/g)與還原糖含量最高,故將此製備發芽糙米奶做為發酵基質。其次,探討益生菌接種於發芽糙米奶的發酵特性,結果顯示B. breve BCRC 11846及 L. casei 01的生長最佳,生菌數均為7.9×109 cfu/ml;並發現B. breve BCRC 11846及 L. casei 01於0至16小時之間,呈現線性關係(r2為0.9435與0.9223),生長速率(γx )在0至8小時之間可達0.23與0.28。糖類利用性結果顯示,兩者皆隨著醱酵時間增加還原糖含量隨之降低(30%與58%)。而在模擬胃酸膽汁耐受性結果發現,胃酸(pH 3.0)處理3小時後,兩者殘存菌數分別為1.3×105與7.9×104 cfu/ml,膽汁(2.0 %)處理6小時,殘存菌數則為6.3×108與7.9×108 cfu/ml。而於胃酸膽汁連續處理後發現,B. breve BCRC 11846與L. casei 01的最終菌數皆可達到2.0×107 cfu/ml。最後,益生菌發酵對於糙米奶中B群維生素含量影響的檢測結果顯示,B. breve BCRC 11846及L. casei 01可顯著地提高發芽糙米奶中維生素B6、菸鹼酸及菸鹼醯胺的含量。因此,發芽與發酵的應用可增加糙米奶的營養價值,且可做為益生菌發酵的非乳源基質,以期研發符合具有健康意識消費者期待的益生性製品。


This study was conducted to investigate the the fermentation characteristics of several probiotic strains of bifidobactera and lactobacilli in germinated brown rice milk and influence on vitamin contents. These results were used to evaluate the feasibility for non-dairy fermented products containing probiotic bacteria. Firstly, the changes of amylase activity and reducing sugar contents in brown rice during germination were determined. Results showed that when brown rice germinated for 6 days, its amylase activity and reducing sugar content displayed the highest levels. Therefore, germinated brown rice milk was prepared from brown rice germination for 6 days and was used as fermented substrate. Secondly, the fermentation characteristics of probiotic bacteria incubation in germinated brown rice milk were investigated. Results indicated that the growth of B. breve BCRC 11846 and L. casei 01 were the best, their viable cell number were about 7.9×109 cfu/ml. It’s also found that relationship between the viable counts and fermentation time (0 to 16 hours) of B. breve BCRC 11846 and L. casei 01 were linear (r2 = 0.9435 and 0.9223 ), growth rates (γx) could reach to 0.23 and 0.28 within 0-8 hours. Results of sugar utilization showed that the two strains could decrease the reducing sugar contents (30% and 58%) as fermentation time was increase. Results of the simulated gastric acid and bile sensitivity showed that the survial of these two strains were 1.3×105 and 7.9×104 cfu/ml after treatment at pH 3.0 for 3 hours. After preincubation with 2.0% bile for 6 hours, the viable cells of these strains were 6.3×108 and 7.9×108 cfu/ml. Moreover, survival of these two strains at 2.0% bile for 6 hours after pre-exposure to pH 3.0 for 3 hours could also reach to 2.0×107 cfu/ml. Finally, the effect of fermentation with B. breve BCRC 11846 and L. casei 01 on B-complex vitamin contents of germinated brown rice milk were examined. Results showed that B. breve BCRC 11846 and L. casei 01 significantly increased the contents of vitamin B6, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Therefore, use of germination and fermentation could enhance the quality of nutrients in germinated brown rice milk and be used as the non-dairy substrate of probiotic fermentation. We hope to develop new probiotic products and to meet the expectations of health-conscious consumer.


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