  • 學位論文


Relationship Between Customer Relation Management and Customer Loyalty- Example of Water Filter Industry

指導教授 : 張庭彰


台灣已邁入二十一世紀進入電子科技時代,從早期的傳統產業到現在的科技產業,由於科技發達帶動工業起飛,政府為發展經濟,相對的轉變的同時所導致各種環境污染也隨之增加,其中各類污染又以水污染影響我們生活最為嚴重。為增加飲用水口感舒適程度及安全性,淨水器就成了許多民眾的新選擇,造成淨水器材業如雨後春筍般開幕,也使各種淨水器產品,如:逆滲透﹙RO﹚淨水器,活性碳淨水器、軟水器、蒸餾水製造機等淨水設備陸續推出。經營者如何擺脫並超前各競爭對手,立於不敗之地,除了在新產品研發快速加強、有效降低產品成本,乃至降低過高之管理成本及提昇更高之品質外,如何因應環境變化、妥善運用資源與分配及適度調整經營策略,以創造企業持久之競爭優勢,儼然成為國內淨水器材業廠商最重要課題。 本研究共發出400 份問卷,共回收380 份有效問卷,有效回收率為95.0%。研究結果指出,在顧客關係管理活服務品質方面,淨水器材業之顧客關係管理與服務品質呈現正相關,也就是當顧客關係管理做的好時,其對服務品質將有所提升。並且當淨水器材業之業者讓顧 客感受到良好的顧客關係管理活動時,也會正向的影響顧客對使用淨水器材的滿意度及顧客忠誠度。在服務品質方面,若讓淨水器材業之顧客有正向感受並對其滿意時,亦會提升對淨水器材業之顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度。此外,若顧客對淨水器材業產生正向的顧客滿意度, 也會提升其對該淨水器材業之顧客忠誠度。


Taiwan has entered into the electronic technology time in the 21st century, from early traditional industry to present's tech industry, because the science and technology leads the industry launching developed, the government is the develop economy, relative transformation's at the same time causes each kind of environmental pollution also to increase along with it, each kind of pollution affects us by the water pollution to live seriously. In order to increase the tap water feeling in the mouth comfortable degree and the security, the water clarifier has become many populace's new choices, causes the water purification equipment industry like mushroom growth to begin, also causes each kind of water clarifier product, for example: The counter seepage water clarifier, water purification plants and so on activated carbon water clarifier, zeolite softener, distilled water manufacture machine promote one after another. How does the operator get rid and in advance each competitor, except strengthens, the effective low product cost fast in the new product research and development, and even is lower than outside the high tube cost and the promotion high quality, how in accordance to the environmental variation, properly using the resources and the assignment and the suitable adjustment management plan , creates the enterprise lasting competitive advantage, just like becomes the domestic water purification equipment industry manufacturer most important topic. The questionnaire issues 400 copies totally, valid return with 380 copies; valid return rate is 95.0%. Accroding to the rsaerch that relates the management in the customer to live the service quality aspect, the water purification equipment industry the customer relates manages and serves the quality to present is being related, is also when the customer relates the management does is good, it to serves the quality to have the promotion. When and the water purification equipment industry the entrepreneur lets the customer feel the good customer relates the management activity, also meets the forward influence customer to use the water purification equipment's degree of satisfaction and the customer loyalty. In service quality aspect, when lets the water purification equipment industry the customer has the forward feeling and to its satisfaction, also will promote to the water purification equipment industry the customer degree of satisfaction and the customer loyalty. In addition, if the customer has the forward customer degree of satisfaction to the water purification equipment industry, also will promote it to this water purification equipment industry the customer loyalty.


Anderson, E. W. & Sullivan, M. W. (1993). The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer satisfaction for Firms, Marketing Science, 12(2), 125-143.
