  • 期刊


Insomnia Of Postmenopausal Women Treated with Chinese Medicine: A Case Report




This article is about a 71-year-old woman has experienced menopause for 20 years. About twenty years ago, she started to suffer from insomnia when she entered menopause. She had lots of thoughts before sleep and had difficulty falling asleep. She easily woke up from a light sleep, and had difficulty falling asleep again. She dreamed a lot and often felt that she was not asleep all night. She took sedative drug before sleep, but the quality of sleep was still poor. Sometimes she had hot flush during daytime. The syndrome diagnosed by Chinese medicine was liver depression and yin deficiency. Sleeping quality improved after taking the medicine for soothing liver and nourishing yin for one week. The dosage of sedative drug can be reduced to half. Menopausal women often have symptoms of depression. Appropriate use of soothing the liver and nourishing yin can help improve the sleeping quality of menopausal and postmenopausal women.


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醫砭資料庫。沈藥子。2021 [檢索日期 2021年 02 月 18 日];檢索自:Available from: http://yibian.hopto.org/
