  • 期刊


Non-teaching Factors that Affect Student Ratings of Teacher Performance




The use of student ratings as measures of teaching effectiveness has been widespread but controversial. This study tackled the issue on whether or not student ratings are influenced by variables which are not directly relevant to the instruction itself, including teacher gender, teacher personality traits, teacher grading leniency, student grade year learning motivation and student proficiency level. A total of 932 students enrolled at a private university of science and technology in southern Taiwan served as the subjects of the study, and the effects of the six forementioned variables on student evaluations of teacher performance were examined. The results from statistical analysis identified all of the said variables to be significant influencing variables, with the instructor’s personality traits as the most significant predictor of overall instructional ratings. In other words, classes that are taught by teachers who are nice, female, or lenient in grading students, tended to give higher ratings of teachers than those taught by teachers, who arc “mean”, male, or who arc strict in grading students. In addition, students at the lower grade years, with higher learning motivation and proficiency level, arc more likely to give higher ratings of teachers than those with the opposite characteristics. This study provided another evidence to the common belief that student ratings are, to certain extent, affected by non-pedagogical factors, thus leading to the conclusion that since teachers arc more often than not being rated on gualities other than professional teaching competency, comparisons among teachers in the interpretation of the evaluation results must be done with caution and must consider the instructional settings.


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