  • 期刊


The Effects of Holding Trays and Putting Food Positions on Waiter's Working Performance




This study adopted randomized complete block design with 2 factors to investigate the effects about 4 different methods of tray-holdings (holding behind, holding in body-side, holding in front, and holding low) and 2 different kinds of dish-arrangements (placing food vertically to palm, placing food paralleled to palm) in coordination with 2 different routes (walking on a plane surface or a stairway). The measuring criterion includes the averaged walking time, spillage (indicating the stability of the hand), and the decreased ratio of grasping strength, heart-beating rate and RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion). Under the circumstance of walking on a plane surface, the result shows that according to the result of averaged walking time, spillage, RPE (left wrist, left forearm, left upper arm), the worst performance among those four tray-holding methods is holding behind; in the aspect of the averaged walking time, the best performance of tray-holding are both of holding low and holding in front; in RPE, is holding low. According to the result of spillage and RPE (left upper arm), while dish-arrangements placing paralleled to palm is better than vertically to palm. Under the circumstance of walking on a stairway, the result shows that according to the result of averaged walking time, the better performance of tray-holding are both of holding low and holding in front. And, the worst performance is holding behind. According to the result of spillage and RPE (left fingers, left wrist, left upper arm, shoulder, lower back, whole body), the worse performance among the four tray-holding methods is holding behind. According to the result of spillage, while dish-arrangements placing paralleled to palm is better than vertically to palm. Therefore, I recommend that the employees working in restaurants as serving food and/or drinks should serve in the postures of holding low and holding in front, and place the food and/or drinks paralleled to palm. Thus, not only can improve the serving efficiency, but also can reduce the fatigue of hands.


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