  • 學位論文


The Study of Community Care Sites Program Implementation in Taipei City and County Governments and Their Governance Patterns

指導教授 : 黃錦堂


本研究以「治理研究」為研究途徑,以台北縣市政府執行內政部「建立社區照顧關懷據點實施計畫」為對象,探討公部門與公民社會之互動關係。 本文之研究目的為:1. 瞭解「建立社區照顧關懷據點實施計畫」的計畫內容,中央政府規劃的計畫目標、申請程序、補助事項、補助對象、補助金額、獲補助單位須履行之服務項目、經費核銷流程等內容為何。2. 瞭解臺北縣市政府為執行本計畫,如何針對全國一體適用之本計畫,在符合中央計畫設定標準和考量轄區發展狀況之下,予以施行;其次,臺北縣市政府對於轄區內得以申請本計畫之民間團體,如何審核民間團體的申請案,並於通過申請之後,為提升據點服務績效,臺北縣市政府對轄區內民間團體如何進行輔導措施,並且如何評鑑據點服務績效。3. 瞭解社區照顧關懷據點的經營據點之實際情形。尤其為民間團體組織屬性、經營據點之動機、經營理念;經營據點過程在人力、組織和財務等面向的運作方式;經營據點過程的困難以及對政府輔導措施之建議。4. 綜合上述內容,提出台灣本土治理模式與西方當代治理模式之比較,並就社區老人照顧,提出合於台灣本土關懷的治理模式。 本文將本計畫所代表之社區老人照顧,界定為法定自治事項,亦即老人福利法規定直轄市和縣市政府必須辦理相關事項,也透過計畫形式和補助款誘因,促使直轄市和縣市政府辦理,但是否辦理和具體作法,則留待直轄市和縣市政府自行決定,並自行規劃和執行。 中央就本計畫的治理模式,和委辦事項不同,對地方政府而言,並不具有強制性質,然而,地方政府雖然意識到一般社區老人的關懷需求,但又未有自行規劃政策之能力和財力,並且習於中央計畫的指導。中央政府所採用的政策工具常以地方政府和民間團體為對象,發放補助款,且最為有效,其他政策工具也包括提供範本、網站資訊公開和教學,以及舉辦全台社區觀摩等,作為輔導措施。綜合以上因素,地方政府傾向遵照中央計畫辦理社區老人照顧服務等法定自治事項。 縣市政府就本計畫的治理模式,則呈現下列特色:1. 計畫服務項目的規範並未明確,而留待縣市政府予以具體化。2. 縣市政府為據點得否請領中央補助款之主要准駁單位。3. 據點評鑑的輔導性質大於績效考核性質。 最後,則歸納前述研究結果,就社區老人照顧服務事項,從當代治理模式所強調的多方參與、誘因機制和政策網絡等面向,據以提出一個合於臺灣的本土治理模式。


The thesis attempts to discuss the interactive relationship between the public sector and the third sector in Taipei City and County Government within Minister of the Interior’s “Community Care Sites Program” through the governance study approach. There are four purposes of the thesis. The first purpose is to understand the administrative procedures inside “Community Care Sites Program”, such as its purposes, goals, procedures, subsidies, applicants’ commitment, and audit process etc. The second purpose is to understand program implementation process and to examine applications from the third sector in Taipei City and County Governments. The third purpose is to understand the third sector operating community care sites by their motivations, routine operations, and suggestions for local government’s guidance and assistance. Finally, the most important purpose is to figure out the optimal governance patterns of community care for senior citizen in Taiwan. The thesis classifies community care for senior citizen as home rule affair, i.e. local governments are under obligation to service the aged according to senior citizen welfare law. In addition to senior citizen welfare law, there are programs as policy incentives formulated by central government for local governments. However, local governments have the power to decide what to do within the limit of home rule affair authority. The governance patterns of central government for home rule affair is not the same with autonomous affairs. Central government subsidizes local governments and the third sector as the most efficient policy instrument. The other policy instruments are the manual of operating community care sites, providing internet access to online manual of operating community care sites, and making a national circuit of learning from each other’s work. To sum up, these policy instruments stimulate local governments cooperating with central government. There are three characters of local government, especially for Taipei City and County Government. First, local governments have to take shape the concrete service of community care sites. Second, local government is the key unit for examining the third sector’s applicants. Third, the character of evaluating community care sites by local government is guiding and assisting more than auditing. Finally, the thesis figures out the optimal governance patterns of community care for senior citizen in Taiwan in three aspects of modern governance patterns, such as public participation, incentives, and policy network.


李長晏,2004,〈全球化治理:地方政府跨區域合作分析〉,《研考雙月刊》,28 (5):55-65。


王孝助(2015)。從跨域治理的觀點探討替代役 投入老人社區照顧之政策議題〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0216675
