  • 學位論文


Case Study of Subcontracting Procurement Strategies for Elevated Highway Construction Projects Subjected to Policy Schedule Constraints

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


公共工程需配合政府政策工期達成效益目標已漸常態化,而營造業是高度專業分工的行業,大型營造廠經營模式有80%的專案工程必需仰賴分包達成,亦即需透過採購發包作業,獲取所需施工資源,然而當面對緊張的公共工程工期、高額的違約罰款,市場供應集中、競爭、需求等不確定因素持續變動,採購作業不應只是藉由壓迫分包廠商降低價格,以獲取微幅成本差異而已,更需配合營造公司經營策略,將採購作業朝向策略採購發展,以期藉由動態調整採購資源的組合模式,降低專案執行不確定性,據以提升公司競爭優勢。 工程採購實務上如來源單一或分散、工程執行技術高低、分包執行組合,與分包商要建立什麼關係等相關策略採購,雖間或於採購作業中被運用,尤其面對工期壓力時,大都缺乏系統性之策略採購規劃與執行,有鑑於此,本文擬針對綜合營造業,探討橋樑工程策略採購之分包組合運用內涵,利用專家訪談及個人執行經驗,分析橋樑工程不同之分包模式與採購策略運用之相互影響,並進一步釐清面對工期壓力營造業所面對之問題衍化並建議應對策略,使能據以提供營造業者橋樑工程策略採購之運用參考。本研究發現如下:(1)工期壓力下之橋樑分包模式以垂直式分包較為可控;(2)大宗材料鋼材及混凝土,一般佔整體工程金額達40%以上,為重要材料採購,且物價波動度大,判斷物料價格波動趨勢即為一種重要採購策略;(3)分包商採購使用最低標策略不保證專案執行可控,換包頻繁導致成本失控;(4)工期壓力下之分包商採用班底較為可控;(5) 重要分包商或要徑分包商,選商須經謹慎評估,最低標所代表不確定因素增高。


Public project need to cooperate with the government's policy period achieve efficiency has gradually become normal, and the construction industry is a high degree of specialization establishment, large construction company must rely on the subcontract management pattern has 80% of the project engineering, which need through the purchasing contract, obtain the required construction resources, however, when faced with stress of public construction period, high default fines, market supply not determine factors such as concentration, competition, demand changes continuously, purchasing activities should not only lower the price by the oppression of the subcontract manufacturers, in order to get a marginal cost differences, more need to cooperate to build company's business strategy, will be purchasing activities towards a strategic sourcing development, in order to by dynamic adjustment purchasing resources and combination mode, reduce the project execution uncertainty, which increase the company a competitive advantage. Source or isolated single project procurement practice, such as, engineering technical level, the subcontract combination, what with the subcontractor to establish relations strategies related to purchasing, although sometimes in purchasing activities are used, especially in the face of time pressure, most strategies lack of systematic planning and purchasing of, in light of this, this article in view of the construction enterprises, explore the subcontracting of bridge engineering strategy procurement combination connotation, using expert interview and personal experience, perform analysis of bridge engineering subcontracting mode and purchasing strategy use of different influence each other, and to further clarify the time limit pressure of the facing problem derivation and suggest strategies, the strategy which can provide construction bridge engineering procurement the use of reference. This study found that as follows: (1) the time limit for a project under the pressure of bridge subcontracting model with vertical subcontracting more controllable; (2) the bulk materials of steel and concrete, generally for the overall project amount is more than 40%, as the important material procurement, and commodity price volatility is big, judge the trend of material price fluctuation is an important procurement strategy; (3) the subcontractor to purchase use minimum standard strategy does not guarantee project execution control, change subcontractor frequently lead to cost out of control; (4) the time limit for a project under the pressure of the subcontractor use business associate more controllable; (5) the important subcontractors or the subcontractor who responsible to the critical path, choose business subject to careful evaluation, the lowest price represents increased uncertainties.


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