  • 學位論文


Thermal Characteristics of Drought-tolerance Bryophytes On Extensive Green Roof

指導教授 : 侯文祥


本研究目的在探討苔蘚植物於薄層屋頂綠化應用於台北都會地區的可行性,計量植物的水理特性及隔熱效益,期望對於台北都會地區薄層屋頂綠化的推廣注入新的氣象,提供日後選擇屋頂綠化植栽的新選擇。 本研究分為兩階段,第一階段探討苔蘚植物的水理特性,從文獻得知為耐旱性苔蘚品種,以隨機採集台灣戶外的苔蘚植物、購買日本的砂蘚(Racomitrium canescens)、松葉景天和金露華等以上七種植物探討其對「水」的需求性和耐旱性差異。第二階段將砂蘚視為隔熱材料,以熱傳導分析儀Hot Disk和控溫箱熱流計法兩種實驗,計測熱傳導係數(k),探討其隔熱性能。 原考慮以無維管束植物的特性,以植物組織含水量與水勢的實驗作為判斷是否為耐旱性苔蘚,但因實驗結果無法求得相對含水量,故需以更多植物生理實驗判斷,如葉綠素螢光、游離脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白含量、超氧化物歧化酶、過氧化物酶等。 熱傳導係數(k)反應材料導熱能力及隔熱材料性能的指標,其值越高,表示傳熱能力越強,其值愈低則愈適合做隔熱材料。由熱傳導分析儀Hot Disk量測砂蘚墊,所得的熱傳導係數在含水率0%,假死狀態時為0.06 W/m•K;含水率100%,非假死狀態時為0.32W/m•K。其含水率0%的隔熱性能優於含水率100%約5.3倍。由控溫箱熱流計法量測砂蘚植栽盤所得的熱傳導係數,在含水率0%時為0.23~0.41 W/m•K,在含水率100%時為0.25~0.61W/m•K。同一種模擬計測環境中,其熱傳導係數的變化差距結果為低溫高溼模擬環境最高,含水率100%為0%的1.5倍;其次為標準模擬環境,含水率100%為0%的1.1倍;再者為高溫高溼模擬環境,含水率100%為0%的1.08倍。 「水」為影響植物熱傳導係數(k)的主要因素。蒸發凝結的結露現象的空氣變化及多孔隙的介質含水,因而造成熱傳導係數增加。影響熱傳導係數的熱力性質主要項目為乾球溫度、比容、水的焓、飽和下的蒸發潛熱、飽和蒸氣壓和空氣的蒸氣壓差。 氣候環境變化無法改變。從砂蘚材料的結構設計和工法,降低熱傳導係數以提升屋頂綠化的隔熱性能。砂蘚的基材結構的蓄/排水層、保護層、過濾層、介質層的設計及材質的選用上,需在不影響砂蘚的生長下,並以材質的熱傳導係數、透濕係數、孔隙特徵、密度、粒度、紋理方向性等特性作為隔熱性能的考量。 由實驗結果可知,砂蘚墊和砂蘚植栽盤的熱傳導係數高於一般無機的隔熱保溫建材,隔熱性能未比隔熱保溫建材佳。但以屋頂綠化使用綠化植栽而言,具有載重輕、防水保護工程要求低及維護容易等優點,砂蘚仍有應用於屋頂綠化的優勢。 砂蘚比一般的苔蘚植物適合作為薄層綠屋頂的品種選擇。紫萼蘚科(Grimmiaceae)砂蘚屬(Grimmiaceae)的苔蘚植物可做為屋頂綠化植栽品種的開發項目之一。但目前台灣尚無廠商開發成屋頂綠化植物商品,需由日本購買,為未來國內可努力開發的方向。


The present study aims to investigate the feasibility of bryophytes plantations applied in extensive green roof in Taipei metropolitan area by measuring the physical properties of water and thermal characteristics of plants, it is expected as a new option of green roof for the Taipei metropolitan area after the promotion activities. Two phases are included in this study. The first phase is to explore the physical properties of water bryophytes. According to previous studies, it was found that the characteristics of Racomitrium canescens is drought-tolerance bryophytes which was proper for the study, in addition to random collection of bryophytes from Taiwan, Racomitrium canescens from Japanese, Sedum mexicanum and Duranta repens Linn. and so on. Above seven plants were the research materials for analyzing their needs of water and differences of the drought tolerance. Racomitrium canescens was regarded as insulation materials in the second phase analyzing its insulation effects by measuring thermal conductivity (k) from the experiments of applying Hot Disk thermal analyzer and means of the chamber-heat flow meter method. The original study was designed to set the standards of drought-tolerance bryophytes by its water content of plant and water potential utilizing the characteristics of non-vascular plants, but it failed to calculate relative water content of above plants, it was required to perform further plant physiology experiments, such as the measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence, free proline, soluble protein content , superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and so on. Thermal conductivity (k) indicates the capability of thermal insulation and the performance of insulation materials, the higher its value means the stronger capacity of heat transfer, therefore material which has the lower value is more suitable for insulation. Thermal conductivity that moss mat of Racomitrium canescens measured by Hot Disk thermal analyzer were 0.06 W/m•K for thanatosis (0%water content) and 0.32W/m•K for non- thanatosis (100% water content) which indicated the insulation capacity of thanatosis is about 5.3 times to non- thanatosis. Thermal conductivity that module tray of Racomitrium canescens measured by means of the chamber-heat flow meter method were 0.23~0.41 W/m•K when water content was 0% and 0.25~0.61 W/m•K when water content was 100%. The order of highest changes rate of thermal conductivity was low-temperature high-humidity environment, thermal conductivity of 100% water content sample is 1.5 times to 0 % water content sample. The second was standard simulation environment, thermal conductivity (k) of 100% water content sample is 1.1 times to 0 % water content sample. The last was high-temperature high-humidity environment, thermal conductivity of 100% water content sample is 1.08 times to 0 % water content sample. "Water" is regarded as the main factor that impacts the plant thermal conductivity. Air changes came from water evaporation due to condensation and water content in porous medium caused the increase of thermal conductivity. Factors of thermodynamic properties impact thermal conductivity are dry bulb temperature (Tdb), specific volume (SV), water enthalpy (Hf), enthalpy of vaporization (Hfg), saturated vapor pressure (Pws) and air vapor pressure difference (VPD). Climate changes can’t be alternated. However, the insulation capacity of green roof could be improved by the structure design and engineering methods of Racomitrium canescens which cause the decrease of thermal conductivity. Proper selections and designs of the storage/drainage layer, the waterproofing membrane layer, the filter fleece layer, the growing media on the substrate structure without interference of the growth of Racomitrium canescens and the thermal conductivity, moisture transmission coefficient, pore characteristics, density, granularity, and directional textures of insulation materials should also be considered. According to the experimental results, the thermal conductivity that moss mat of Racomitrium canescens and module tray of Racomitrium canescens are higher than the general inorganic thermal insulation materials, but the insulation properties of moss mat of Racomitrium canescens and module tray of Racomitrium canescens are poorer than the building insulation materials, it is superior to other materials in the applications of green roof since its lighter load, easier engineering requirements of waterproof protection and maintenance, etc. Racomitrium canescens is a better choice of extensive green roof than other species. The genus Racomitrium (Grimmiaceae) is considered as an option of developing projects of green roof, though there is any commercial plant products for green roof in Taiwan. All products are imported from Japan,thus it may become a potential item in the future.


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