  • 學位論文


Smoothness Specification for Freeway and Highway Pavements

指導教授 : 周家蓓


鋪面平坦度為直接影響鋪面服務能力的重要因子,本研究主要目的為檢討國道與市區道路現行驗收門檻值規範是否適宜,據此提出之研究方法包括採用新工(整修刨鋪)路面檢測值歸納、以現況路面回推值歸納、現況服務力評分推算、功率頻譜密度分析與參考他國規範訂定等五種方法,其中國道分析方法採用新工(整修刨鋪)路面檢測值歸納與參考他國規範;市區道路採用新工(整修刨鋪)路面檢測值歸納、功率頻譜密度分析與參考他國規範。 在前述理論與平坦度驗收門檻值之訂定方法兩項基礎之下,以國道與市區道路實測資料檢討我國規範標準之適宜性,以分區計價之概念本研究嘗試建立國道與市區道路新工(整修刨鋪)路面平坦度驗收門檻值上限,其中以慣性式剖面儀為驗收設備並以國際糙度指標為驗收指標時,國道新工(整修刨鋪)路面平坦度獎勵區上限為1.45m/km、全額計價區上限為1.60m/km、懲罰區上限為1.75m/km;市區道路新工(整修刨鋪)路面平坦度獎勵區上限為2.94m/km、全額計價區上限為3.50m/km、懲罰區上限為4.40m/km。以三米直規為驗收設備並以三米直規標準差為驗收指標時,國道新工(整修刨鋪)路面平坦度獎勵區上限為1.50mm、全額計價區上限為1.64mm、懲罰區上限為1.78mm;市區道路新工(整修刨鋪)路面平坦度建議仍延用現行標準2.60mm。期望透過合理調整驗收指標,提供用路人舒適與安全之行車環境。


Pavement smoothness has a great impact on road users. The main objective of the thesis is to examine that current specification threshold is appropriate or not. There are five methods to carry out the whole experiment: newly-constructed pavement smoothness value, estimated current pavement smoothness value, Present Serviceability Rating (PSR), Power Spectrum Density (PSD) analysis and foreign specifications. Newly-constructed pavement smoothness value and foreign specifications methods are used in analyzing freeway specification. Newly-constructed pavement smoothness value, PSD and foreign specifications methods are used in analyzing urban highway specification. Based on the aforementioned theories, the current specification needs to be carefully examined through observed data to see if there exists adjustment. By the concept of partitioned pricing, the limit of bonus zone is 1.45m/km, full payment zone is 1.60m/km and penalty zone is 1.75m/km for highways when using inertial profiler as accepting equipment and IRI as accepting index. Meanwhile, the limit of bonus zone is 2.94m/km, full payment zone is 3.50m/km and penalty zone is 4.40m/km for urban highways. If using 3M-straightedge as accepting equipment and standard deviation as accepting index, the limit of bonus zone is 1.50mm, full payment zone is 1.64mm and penalty zone is 1.78mm for highways. It is recommended to use current specification 2.60mm for urban highways. Via increasing the threshold to a harsher level, the pavement can offer drivers with safety and comfort than before.


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