  • 學位論文


Studies on the Chemical Constituents from Psidium littorale Raddii Leaves

指導教授 : 郭悅雄


摘要 草莓番石榴 ( Psidium littorale Raddii ),為巴西原產,1940年間曾從夏威夷引進若干品種試種。其成熟果之果皮色澤及風味,極似草莓,故名草莓番石榴。 草苺番石榴葉部,以甲醇浸泡,萃取三次,經減壓濃縮後,以乙酸乙酯和水進行分配萃取,利用矽膠管柱進行分離、高效液相層析儀及再結晶等方式進行下一步的分離純化。得到純的化合物後,利用氫核磁共振圖譜、碳核磁共振圖譜、紅外線光譜與質譜來推測結構,若推測的結構,經化學資料庫查詢為已知化合物,則比較文獻確定其結構;若為新化合物,則要進行二維核磁共振圖譜實驗來確認結構。 本實驗共鑑定得到46個化合物,分類為: 一、三萜類 ( Triterpenoids ) 化合物11個 二、黃酮類 ( Flavonoids ) 化合物2個 三、芳香族類 ( Aromatics ) 化合物7個 四、倍半萜類 ( Sesquiterpenoids ) 化合物10個 五、固醇類 ( Steroids ) 化合物3個 六、木酚素類 ( Lignoids ) 化合物7個 七、其他類 ( Others ) 化合物6個 其中3個為新化合物,2個為從天然物中首次分離得到的化合物。


Abstract Psidium littorale Raddii is indigenous plant in Brazil. It had imported some cultivals in to Taiwan from Hawaii in 1940. Due to the flavor of P. littorale is similar to strawberry, it was denominated as strawberry Guava. The leaves of Psidium littorale Raddii were extrated with methanol. The extract was concentrated in vacuo to yield the residue which was suspended in water, and then partitioned with ethyl acetate. The ethyl acetate layer was separated by column chromatography on silica gel, preparative thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to obtain 46 compounds, including 10 sesquiterpenoids, 11 triterpenoids, 2 flavonoids, 7 aromatics, 7 lignoids , 3 steroids, and 6 other compounds. Among them, 3 news and 2 isolated for the first time from natural sources are elucidated. The known compounds were identified by spectral analysis and compared with those reported in literatures or from authentic samples. The structures of new compounds were elucidated by spectral evidence including 1D and 2D NMR techniques.


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