  • 學位論文


The Effect of Container Garden Attributes on Consumer’s Preference

指導教授 : 林晏州


組合盆栽屬於一種盆花的應用類型,除了適合居家與辦公環境佈置外,也是非常受歡迎的饋贈禮品,近年來逐漸成為國內花卉市場之主流。本研究之目的為了解組合盆栽屬性對消費者偏好之影響,並將受訪消費者分為自用和送禮兩類型,分析其對各方案排序、偏好評估結果以及各類型屬性邊際願付價格之差異,擬訂適宜的行銷策略方案。本研究蒐集店家實際販售組合盆栽商品型錄照片,經整理後共有5張測試用樣本和100張正式樣本,予受訪者進行評分。 研究結果顯示,整體受訪者普遍偏好價格2000元以下、尺寸中型與大型、植物株數較多、以白色與黃色系觀花植物為主體的組合盆栽類型,而木本植物與觀葉植物則較不受喜愛。當盆栽植物數量增加一株,受訪者願意約多付303元,當尺寸從小盆換成中盆時,願付價格增加最多,約增加831元,而當主要植物類型由紅色系觀花植物更換為觀葉植物時,願付價格減少最多,約減少1455元,若更換成白色系觀花植物時,願付價格約可增加513元。不同購買目的之受訪者均偏好價格相對便宜、植物株數較多、以觀花植物為主體的組合盆栽類型。送禮型受訪者特別偏好大型、白色系觀花植物,而自用型受訪者特別偏好中型與大型尺寸、特別不偏好觀葉植物。當盆栽中植物數量增加及尺寸由小變大時,自用型受訪者較送禮型者願付較高的價格購買。 整體而言,本研究建議組合盆栽應多生產中型尺寸、約2000元左右價位、以觀花植物為主之商品,並多發展以白色與黃色系觀花植物為主體進行搭配組合,並適當豐富組合商品之內容,增加銷售上的價值。


Container garden is a type of pot flowers. In addition to used as house or office environment decoration, it’s also used as gifts, and is becoming popular in Taiwan’s floral market these days. In order to develop a suitable market strategy plan, the purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of container garden attributes on consumer preferences and to compare the differences between self users and gift users by analyzing the sample ranking, the results of preferences, and consumer willingness-to-pay (WTP) for different container garden attributes. The study collected container garden product pictures from floral stores’ DM. There were 5 test samples and 100 formal samples being selected which consumers were asked to score. The results showed that the consumer preferences and WTP have close correlations with the price, size, plenty amount of plants, and the plant styles. The consumers prefer container garden products with price under 2,000NT dollars, in middle or large size, of plenty amount of plants, and with white or yellow flowers. Woody and foliage plants are not well liked. When the product’s plant amount adds one, consumer WTP increases 303NT dollars. While the size shifts from small to middle, consumer WTP increases most, which is about 831NT dollars. As for plant style, when red flowers change to foliage plant, consumer WTP decreases most, which is about 1,455 NT dollars. However, consumer WTP increases when the style changes into white flowers, which is about 531NT dollars. Self users and gift users all prefer cheaper, plenty amount of plants, and flowering plant. Nevertheless, the consumer preferences vary by different purchasing purposes. Gift users prefer large size and white flowers. On the contray, self users prefer middle and large size dislike foliage plant. When plant amount increases, self users’ WTP is higher than gift users’, and while the product size changes from small to large, the self users would pay more to purchase than gift users, too. In conclusion, it is recommended that container garden production shall focus on middle size, about 2,000 NT dollars, and flowering plant. Especially produce white and yellow flowers, and enrich the product properly for better sale value.


6.李茂興譯,Jain, S. C.著,(2000),行銷策略,台北:揚智文化事業股份有限公司。
18.黃麗君、Mattson, R. H. (2000),花卉顏色屬性與香味屬性對消費者花卉購買意願之影響研究,農林學報,50(4),43-55。


