  • 學位論文


The Construction of Facebook Users’ Self-concept and Their Brand Information Disclosure Behavior

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


自我概念的討論是哲學、社會學、心理學乃至於消費者行為學者長年關注的領域,隨網際網路和Web 2.0的發展,自我概念的研究逐漸拓展到社群網站,但仍屬於一塊新興領域。本研究希冀能夠探索Facebook使用者如何藉由在個人頁面上揭露品牌資訊,以建構其自我概念,因此透過質化研究的深度訪談方式,收集了12位受訪者的訪談資料,輔以受訪者過去2年在Facebook所張貼的所有品牌資訊,並分別由以下三個面向來探討線上自我建構:   1. 自我彰顯:訪談結果顯示受訪者會主要藉由時間維度的自我比較,有時也會透過社會比較,藉此證明自己比過去更出色或能夠達成理想自我,以此來提升自我評價,這中間的機制可能會用品牌資訊揭露來達成。   2. 自我維持:多重的社會角色會透過內化而衍伸出對應的多重自我,受訪者在揭露品牌資訊時,會以幾種應對方式來處理多重自我的衝突,進而透過線上印象管理,使得呈現出的形象與整體自我概念一致,因此能夠達到多重自我綜效,維持現在自我的穩定與平衡。   3. 自我保護:與理想自我相反,Facebook使用者可能會有害怕或不希望成為的恐懼自我,本研究透過瞭解受訪者恐懼自我的樣態,並探討如何運用線上印象管理,使得所揭露的品牌資訊不致促使恐懼自我產生。


The following research is going to explore Facebook users’ brand information disclosure behavior, their construction of self-concept and the relationship between both. The study was accomplished by qualitative research method that the researcher has held 12 in-depth interviews with selected Facebook users and has collected data from not only interviews but also all the brand information on the users’ Facebook “Wall” of the past 2 years. Therefore, the researcher is able to understand how the respondents construct their online self-concept by the following three aspects:   1.Self-Enhancement: The thesis shows that respondents use temporary self-comparison and social comparison with brand information to prove they’re better than their past selves or able to achieve their ideal selves. Consequently, the users could enhance their self-evaluation.   2.Self-Maintenance: With internalization, multiple social roles could evolve into multiple role-specific selves. The respondents show that they adopt several coping strategies to deal with multiple selves conflict while they’re disclosing brand information, and manage their general self-concept by online impression management. As a result, the respondents reveal that they have ability to achieve multiple selves synergy.   3.Self-Protection: The research attempts to investigate the details and content of the respondents’ feared selves, and takes efforts to understand how Facebook users’ avoid their feared selves being created by their brand information disclosure behavior with online impression management skills.


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陳金英(2004),〈低收入戶青少年的「可能自我」 ─ 脫貧方案的初步成效〉,《學校與家庭社會工作學刊》,147- 201。


