  • 學位論文


The Effects of Career Women on the Learning of Their Children

指導教授 : 張清溪


文獻上對子女教育學習效果的研究,大多顯示家庭背景,如父母的教育程度、省籍、職業、社會地位、婚姻狀況等會影響子女的學習成就,其中母親的角色近年漸受重視。由於隨著社會變遷、經濟環境改變,職業婦女越來越多,許多母親由單純的家庭主婦轉變兼為職業婦女。這引申出一個問題,就是:母親職業對子女教育是否有影響?這就是本研究的主題。 為探討母親職業對國中子女學習表現之影響,本研究採用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」(Taiwan Education Panel Survey,簡稱 TEPS)2001年及2003年對同一國中生之兩次調查為資料,實證方法採用Logit模型。實證模型以國三學習表現(導師對學生之表現力、領導力、解決力與學習力等四項之評估)為「依變數」,解釋變數除了母親職業外,並控制國一學習表現,再分層加入學生與學校屬性,以及其他家庭背景及家庭教育變數,包含母親省籍、父母親教育程度、家庭觀念、子女參與暑期活動、父母對子女教育期待、子女抗壓性等。 迴歸分析母親職業對子女學習的影響,分為兩階段。第一階段單純探討母親職業對子女學習表現的影響,其結果呈現正向顯著影響,並以公教人員之子女學習進步最多。第二階段是檢定母親職業與子女抗壓性交乘項,實證結果子女抗壓性高者相對於抗壓性低者,母親職業對子女學習表現影響力更大,並以基層階級以下之子女學習進步較多。加入家庭背景及家庭教育等變數後,會將母親職業階級影響力稀釋;一般而言,父親教育對子女教育的影響力較大,但在控制父親教育後,母親教育仍有影響力,特別是子女之領導力與解決力受母親教育之影響比受父親教育之影響更大。


Most studies have shown that family background such as parents' education, ethnicity, occupation, social status, and marital status will affect their children's academic achievement. Nowadays, maternal role is getting more important in children’s education. In Taiwan, an increasing percentage of mothers is becoming career women from pure housewives. This gives rise to a problem: does mother’s career affect their children's academic achievement? This study aims to investigate this issue. Our study investigated the effects of mothers’ careers on the learning performances of their children in Taiwan. We use the penal data compiled from the "Taiwan Educational Panel Survey" (TEPS), in which the same junior high school students were surveyed in 2001 and 2003. We apply the Logistic regression to our empirical model to investigate the effect of mother’s career on their children learning performances in junior high level, and the controlled variables were included, step-by-step, the characteristics of students, school, parents’ background, family values, children extra-curriculum activities and the degree of anti-stress of the student. The empirical study includes two stages. The first stage explores the effect of mother’s career to their children’s learning performances and result in a significantly positive impact, especially for civic and school faculty mothers. The second stage is to look into the effect of mother’s career multiplied by the degree of anti-stress of the student. As a result, those mothers with high anti-stress children shown a very significant strong effect on their children performances in junior high school, especially for mothers with lower class career. When parents’ education levels were included in the regression, mother’s career became less or no significant effect. In general, father’s education had greater effect on children’s learning performances, but mother’s education still shown some impacts. For children’s leadership and problem-solving ability, mother’s education proved to be more important than father's education.


Career women Family background Logit model


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