  • 學位論文


The Preliminary Study of the Television News Gathered via Hidden Cameras in Taiwan

指導教授 : 彭文正


回顧台灣電視新聞 50 年的發展,從老三台時代,到現在有 21 個頻道每天製播晚間新聞,電視新聞的競爭越趨激烈。由於調查報導較易吸引觀眾目光,各台鼓勵記者進行「小型調查報導」,爭相發展偷拍、直擊採訪,以獲取較高的收視率。本文透過內容分析、深度訪談、文本分析等方法,探討台灣電視新聞偷拍採訪現象,以統計數據,比較偷拍與非偷拍新聞間,以及各頻道間、頻道屬性間的差異,並探討背後的原因、手法、情境與困境。 研究發現,當前台灣電視新聞中,平均約有 3%的新聞使用偷拍採訪,其中多是生活新聞與社會新聞,為與民眾生活切身相關的議題;頻道間的比較,則以東森新聞台、TVBS 新聞台與 TVBS 較常播出偷拍新聞,顯著異於其他頻道;各頻道屬性中,則以新聞頻道為多。在性質部分,偷拍新聞具有較長的稿頭、常為獨家新聞、新聞傾向不具名等性質。在成因與操作部分,偷拍新聞的眾多考量,以畫面效果與收視率為主,其他因素也多與此有關聯。上述現象,讓偷拍在日常生活中無所不在,形成台灣特殊的電視新聞文化。 對此,本文建議記者採訪時,須詳加思考偷拍採訪是否必要,不應僅考量畫面性與便利性。透過自身的力量,抵制不必要的偷拍採訪,改善台灣電視新聞的環境,讓偷拍採訪用於正途,揭開不公不義的事物,針砭社會弊病,實際發揮媒體「第四權」的效果。


臺灣 電視新聞 偷拍採訪 獨家 內容分析


Reviewing the past 50-year development of television news in Taiwan, it became more rival because the number of channel increased from 3 to 21, which broadcasted evening news. To get higher rating, the channels applied “mini investigative news reporting,” developing the hidden-cameras gathering. This article discussed about the phenomena of news-gathering through hidden cameras, which the research were contributed form the three main methods: content analysis, in-depth interviewing, and textual analysis. Furthermore, it also analyzed the difference of hidden-cameras news among gathering methods, channels, and channel-catalogs; discussed the reason, situation, and difficulties in this kind of news. The result shows that it about 3% hidden-cameras news, most of which are “Lives” or “Societies” news surrounding in our lives; it is ETTV and TVBS that broadcasting the most hidden-cameras news among channels, as the same in news channels among the catalogs. In addition, this news contained the properties with longer head, exclusive, and anonymous, considered the video effect as the main factor. Thus, the hidden-cameras gathering were pervasive as “Taiwan Style” in TV culture. Finally, the investigation recommends that the journalists consider the necessity of using hidden-cameras and resist the needless situation; thus, it can not only put them in a right path for unveiling the ugly truth, but also show the "fourth estate" function to ameliorate the media environment in Taiwan.


