  • 學位論文


Study of Performance Contracts in Energy Service Industry in Consideration of Environmental Benefits

指導教授 : 吳文方


「能源技術服務業」是Energy Service Company (ESCO)係提供企業或政府單位改善能源使用效率的一種新型服務事業,該事業依據節能績效合約(Energy Savings Performance Contract, ESPC)執行節能改善專案,透過專業人員有效的節能技術,將節能改善成本支出透過所獲得的節能效益償還。節能績效合約主要有節能效益分享型(Shared Savings Contract)與節能量保證型(Guaranteed Savings Contract)兩種常見的節能績效合約形式,節能績效合約的相關參數設定極為複雜,其中以節能量保證型較為常見。本研究除考量節能效益分享型外,將著重探討節能量保證型的節能績效合約,以保證節能率為基準,建立改良版之節能量保證型節能效益分配模型;同時納入碳交易考量,將節能所得減碳量視為環境效益,其能估算更完善的節能效益。本研究將不同投資比例、政府補助與否、以及能源服務業者之預期投資報酬率作為情境考量因子,以淨現值法作為成本效益分析方法,建構最大化能源用戶淨現值之最佳化數學模型,並將節能效益比例分配值、合約期限等相關合約參數視為決策變數。本研究透過案例分析考量環境效益分別探討節能效益分享型、節能量保證型及改良版節能量保證型之最佳化合約,結果發現,本研究提出之改良版節能量保證型合約可透過不同節能效益比例分配,使能源用戶獲得較大利益,同時也可有效縮短節能績效合約之合約期限。


The energy service business carried out by energy service companies (ESCO) is a relatively young business model. It aims at the cost-effective delivery of energy-efficient technologies and services. An energy savings performance contract (ESPC) undertaken by an ESCO utilizes the future energy saving to repay the installation cost for energy efficiency equipment and/or systems. The contracting terms in an energy savings performance contract are critical due to complexities. In general, there are two energy performance contracts, namely shared savings contract and guaranteed savings contract, respectively. The latter is more commonly used. In this study, the distribution model of benefit is modified from guaranteed savings contract where a guaranteed saving ratio is considered as a fundamental factor. To provide a more comprehensive model of energy saving, the benefit from considering carbon trading is also taken into account. An optimization model that maximizes the utility user’s profit is constructed based on the net present value method. Contracting terms such as the contract period, the distribution ratio between ESCO and energy owner are selected as decision variables. Different scenarios are built in consideration of subsidy from the government, the investment percentage of ESCO, and the expected return on investment of ESCO, respectively. Different case studies of shared savings contract, guaranteed savings contract and modified guaranteed savings contract are analyzed. It is found that a modified guaranteed savings contract would increase effectively the utility user’s profit by reallocating energy savings proportion and minimizing the contract period.


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