  • 學位論文

臺灣客家運動之研究 —析論《客家風雲雜誌》與還我母語運動之關係

Hakka Movement in Taiwan -On the Relationship between Hakka Affairs Monthly and Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign

指導教授 : 邱榮舉
共同指導教授 : 彭文正(Weng-Jeng Peng)


摘要 本論文要旨在於分析探討臺灣客家運動,主要問題意識是(一)《客家風雲雜誌》在臺灣客家運動所扮演的重要性。《客家風雲雜誌》的緣起與發展、《客家風雲雜誌》之意象分析。(二)解析「1288還我母語運動」(1988)及其意義。(三)解析《客家風雲雜誌》、「1288還我母語運動」與臺灣客家運動三者之關係。 本論文研究過程與步驟,以質化研究與量化研究並重,蒐集相關資料與文獻,進行分類與分析,研究方法以深度訪談法與文本分析,交叉分析統計研究。研究過程中,緊緊扣住臺灣社會運動與臺灣客家運動發生的異同,相同的是兩者的歷史、社會背景共同層面,是造成臺灣社會運動的產生前因,臺灣客家運動為臺灣社會運動的一環,而「1228還我母語運動」(1988)是臺灣客家運動重要的具體行動的發展,《客家風雲雜誌》的籌辦創立是臺灣客家運動的起始點。 「客家意識」的產生與強化,前者是受到社會政策與政治結構改變的影響,籌辦了《客家風雲雜誌》,後者是受語言政策的催化,繼而發展成「1228還我母語運動」(1988),這是與臺灣社會運動相異之處。研究主要發現《客家風雲雜誌》具有高度「客家意識」,議題設定意涵以此為主軸,該刊物開創性強、以形塑功能發揮形象訊息傳遞,產生客家意象。最重要的是臺灣客家運動、《客家風雲雜誌》、「1288還我母語運動」三者皆是打破一元化的觀點,以客家主體性為平衡點,追求平權多元的國家社會發展。


Abstract This study aims to explore Taiwan’s Hakka movement by primarily (1) examining the important role played by Hakka Affairs Monthly in the Hakka movement in Taiwan, the origin and development of Hakka Affairs Monthly, and the image analysis of Hakka Affairs Monthly; (2) analyzing the “1288 Restore My Mother Tongue campaign” (1988) and its significance; and (3) analyzing the interrelations among the Hakka Affairs Monthly, the “1288 Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign” and the Hakka movement in Taiwan. This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches by compiling relevant information and literature, and carrying out information sorting and analysis. The methodology entails in-depth interview, and statistical text analysis and overlapping analysis. This study adheres closely to the similarities and dissimilarities between Taiwan’s social movement and Hakka movement. The two movements share common historical and social backgrounds which led to the rising of social movement in Taiwan. The Hakka movement is in fact a part of the social movement in Taiwan, whereas the “1288 Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign” (1988) is a significant development in the materialization of Hakka movement. On the other hand, the establishment of Hakka Affairs Monthly is the starting point of a full-fledged Hakka movement in Taiwan. With respect to the conception and reinforcement of “Hakka consciousness”, the former was influenced by the changing social policies and political structure and gave rise to the establishment of Hakka Affairs Monthly. The latter was catalyzed by the language policy and led to the “1288 Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign” (1988). These are the dissimilarities with Taiwan’s social movement. The study finds that the Hakka Affairs Monthly discusses issues evolving highly around the “Hakka consciousness.” The magazine is highly innovative in the transmission of images and information to shape the Hakka consciousness. Most importantly, the Hakka movement, the Hakka Affairs Monthly and the “1288 Restore My Mother Tongue Campaign” all aim to break the monolithic ideology and attempt to seek a balance point around Hakkaism in the pursuit of an equal and pluralistic society.


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