  • 學位論文


Designing Deliberation Systems of Referendum: Focusing on the Subject of Debate and its Discussion

指導教授 : 李建良


公民投票法的施行是我國民主制度逐漸成熟的表徵,此固然值得欣喜,但在承認代議民主框架內萌發直接民主的根芽後,吾人需要嚴肅的面對公民投票所可能面臨的三大非議,第一,公民投票的過度使用會破壞政黨政治、責任政治;第二,公民投票可能將重大政策化約為簡單的是非題;第三,我國現行公投審議程序法制空洞,致使公投強大法效力的正當性來源生疑。對應此,本文以為,公民投票應謹守補充性原則,且公投審議法制,包括公部門主導與民間自力主導的審議機制皆須有所充實,如此方可能善用、合理使用直接民主制度。 立基於上述的認知,本文希望於兩個層面增加公民投票的審議密度,首先是「公投議題的聚焦」,公投議題若過於複雜,則無論後續的審議制度如何完善,本質上的先天不良均影響公投結果的公信力,故希望於「公投議題」進入人民審議之前即適當的為其「瘦身」,切割過於複雜的專業性、技術性事項,使得議題能盡量聚焦在政治性、價值性的爭議,且在議題的呈現面上,再度引入選擇題式的諮詢性公投,使得公投議題設定的方式多元且清楚、明瞭,便於審議;並於充實行政院公民投票審議委員會的組織面後,令公審會有調整(轉換或切割)公投議案之權利,俾於實踐,且為防範直接民權因此受限,人民對公審會的決定不服可選擇直接向司法院大法官會議提起救濟。 其次,本文以民國九十八年澎湖博弈公投為案例基石,希冀於法理面論證公投審議程序中,「行政機關的中立與資訊揭露的義務」,其依據分別是聽證法理、行政中立理念,以及人民知的權利,與公投程序的目的論,而使行政機關能運用公資源協力人民審議公投議案,如此一來,在公部門協力審議的條件配合下,應能充實現行審議制度、促成審議式民主的實現。此種制度設計,一則符合代議民主為主,直接民主為輔的基調,二則緩和直接民主與間接民主間的緊張性,並可促成審議民主、直接民權的實現。於此前提下,公投的門檻(程序要件)即應放寬,使人民能多藉由公投程序參與公共事務,給予行政機關與議會適當的壓力。 公民投票是法與政治、法與社會互動頻繁的領域,相關公投審議法制的增補不但需要理論面的持續建構,更有賴未來實務的運作給予吾人進一步的啟發。


The real practice of Referendum Law in Taiwan shows how democracy gets mature in this place. Sure we can be proud of this accomplishment so far; however, forms of direct democracy in the structure of representative democracy can incur criticisms. There are three major criticisms of this. First, overuses of referendums can damage the basic political responsibility structure. Second, referendums can simplify major political issues to a “yes or no” choice. Third, the procedural mechanism of referendum isn’t sound enough that people question the legitimacy of the legal effect of referendums. Therefore, this article claims that referendums should only supplement representative democracy, and the deliberation systems of referendums, including those run by public or private sectors, should be further improved. This way, the direct democracy system in Taiwan can be put to use in a reasonable way. Based on these acknowledgments, this article suggest we increase the intensity of deliberation first by narrowing down the issues of referendums, making complicated issues into simple, clear ones. To achieve this, we need to cut off those too professional, technical parts, and instead focus on the political or ethical parts. Moreover, making the issues more flexible, clear, and easy to understand, we can reintroduce the advisory forms of referendums consisting of multiple choices. The institution performing this task would be the Referendum Review Committee, on the premises that we reinforce the structure of this committee. Furthermore, in order not to restrict direct democracy, people not satisfied with the committee’s decision can choose to appeal directly to the constitutional court. Also, on the bases of four basic ideas will this article establish the neutral stance of the administration and the duty to disclose information of which during the referendum deliberation, respectively the basic ideas of hearings, administrative neutrality, people’s right to know, and the purpose of direct democracy, using public resources to help people discuss certain issues. The core case supporting this argument is the referendum on “casino issue” in Penghu, 2009. The purpose of all this design is to reduce the intensity between representative democracy and direct democracy, putting deliberative democracy into practice. If all these goals achieved, the threshold requirement of holding a referendum should be lowered. The referendum law is a region where law and politics, law and society interact strongly. Further improvement of the referendum law lies in not only legal theories, but also legal practices.




