  • 學位論文


How Taiwan’s ICT industry Can Use UK’s Advanced Research and Innovation Strengths to Upgrades its Technology Capabilities

指導教授 : 陳業寧博士 湯明哲博士




臺灣 英國 電子產業 先進研發


Taiwan is a major player in the global ICT supply chain. In fact, in terms of market share worldwide, Taiwan is the number one in all PC and networking related sectors such as Motherboards, PC Notebooks, PC Peripherals, LCD Monitors, ADSL CPE, Cable CPE, WLAN NIC, and is the world leader in semiconductor foundry and LCD displays. In addition, it is world’s number 2 in many key sectors such as IC Design, Optical Disk Drive, and Desktop PC. In fact, without Taiwanese companies, the global ICT value chain will collapse, since Taiwan plays such a key role in the entire value chain of the ICT industry. However, despite Taiwan’s dominance as a global player in the ICT industry, Taiwanese ICT industry is consigned to a development and manufacturing role. Most industry players can not enjoy the sweet spot and high margins of the high value portion of the ICT supply chain – one end being advanced research and leading edge innovations and technology and the other end having brand names that are end customer facing. For Taiwan to consistently maintain its lead as a major global ICT player, Taiwan will have to develop capabilities and strengths in both brand and R&D areas. To solve the problem of accessing and acquiring advanced research and leading-edge technologies, working with UK’s is a good choice for Taiwan. Because UK has tremendous strength in advanced research and leading edge innovations in many technology sectors, including ICT, it is an excellent choice for Taiwan’s ICT Industry to access and acquire UK technologies. Leading technology companies from the US and Japan, whom Taiwanese traditionally view as having very advanced research and leading edge technologies have been accessing and acquiring leading edge technologies from the UK for many years. Instead of just working to acquire and access advanced research and leading edge technologies from the US or Japan, UK serves as an excellent alternatives. The Leading ICT companies from US, Japan, and Europe have been accessing UK technologies using 4 models, which will be introduced in this thesis. How the leaders from the US, Japan, and Europe work with these models will provide clues to leading companies in Taiwan ICT industry such as semiconductor, semiconductor design, electronics manufacturing, and LCD can use UK to access and acquire leading edge technologies and advanced research to upgrade their technological capabilities.


1. Grant, Robert, Contemporary Strategy Analysis, (Blackwell Publishing, 2008)
4. Este, P.D., and Patel, P, “University-Industry Linkages in the UK: What are the factors underlying the variety of interactions with industry?”, Science and Technology Policy Research (SPRU), The Freeman Centre, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9QE, UK, 2005
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9. Ross, Stephen, Westerfield, Randolph, Jaffe, Jeffrey, Corporate Finance, (McGraw-Hill, 2005)
11. Kuemmerle, Walter, “Building Effective R&D Capabilities Abroad”, Readings 5-3, pp548-558, Transnational Management, 5e, by Bartlett Christopher, Ghoshal, Sumantra, Beamish, (McGraw-Hill, 2008)
