  • 學位論文


The Meaning of Second Homes to Taiwanese Women

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


別居(second homes)的購置在西方世界早已行之有年,尤其在北歐地區更被視為相當平常的一件事。台灣地區隨著周休二日制度的實施、居住品質觀念提升及個人需求的改變,擁有別居也逐漸成為一種新生活型態。 本研究將別居視為有別於原來的家的另一個「家」,探討女性對它的詮釋,因為家在地理學中是一個值得討論的空間。人文主義地理學者主張「家」對任何人而言,都是一個親密的地方,是一個可以開放地、舒適地接受脆弱和身體需求的地方,是穩定不變,可以回歸、休息的場所。但透過女性主義者所揭露的,傳統意義的「家」對女性來說,卻往往充滿勞動的辛苦與父權價值觀的壓制。所以本研究的目的是要了解別居作為一個「家」,除了休閒的功能之外,與「原來的家」之間的相同與差異。 本研究自2002年3月到2005年10月為止,一共針對十一位擁有別居的女性進行深入訪談。這些受訪者具有一些共同的特徵:她們都是受過高等教育、年齡層較高、有自己的經濟基礎,並可以決定自己的財務的女性。透過她們的經驗可以發現,受到過去生活經驗的影響,及在現有的家中的束縛和外在環境的壓力下,別居的確提供女性另一個抒解的出口,並且滿足她們對美好家庭的想像。然而,現實中別居的購置和使用依然受到許多其他成員及外在因素的影響,而女性在傳統觀念的制約下,也無法真正理直氣壯地將別居宣示為自己獨有的空間,甚至有些女性的別居在性別角色上只是原來家的複製。 透過女性主義視角,本研究檢視別居作為一個「家」的內涵及意義,探討台灣地擁有別居作為休閒自用的女性,在家空間中的主觀經驗感受,及其透過重新塑造的別居所反映的空間解放與束縛,質疑傳統上充滿「男性氣概」的家,使女性的聲音及經驗被聆聽及重視。


Second home ownership is common in developed countries, especially North Europe. This kind of life style also figures in Taiwan now with the change of personal demands and housing concepts. In this study, I take second home as another "home" to understand women's home experience in another context. The association of home with women and femininity is so commonplace that it is often considered natural. As a geographer, I am certainly curious about this most "feminine" space. Using a feminist perspective, I argue the masculinist notion of home in humanistic studies because they erase women from their ideal home. By conducting interviews of eleven middle class women, who have some common characteristics such as being middle-aged women, with advanced education and a handsome salary, I found that second homes could be a good option for them to release their pressure from both outside and inside of home. And second homes can satisfy their images of the perfect home, too. However, the conception of home mentioned above is deep-rooted and seems "natural" to women and their family members. Women are still affected by traditional ideas and other people in their second homes. This shows that second homes sometimes do not really mean a personal place belonging to women, but just a copy of traditional home. From this study, I inspect the meaning of second homes to Taiwanese women and discuss their experience of purchasing and using second homes. By the restructure space-- second homes, it can reflect both spacial release and traditional constraint within home and make women's experience visible.


second home home feminism humanistic geography


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