  • 學位論文


A Study of Outsourcing:Aqua-friendly Area in the Taipei Water Park

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


地球暖化,氣候變遷,全球面臨缺水危機,臺灣為世界排名第18位缺水國家;水資源不足的臺灣,每日人均用水量卻是西歐國家的2至3倍。自來水處為推廣水資源教育、活絡公館商圈、資產多元利用,自民國89年開放自來水博物館及開發自來水園區。其中親水體驗教育區因考量自行經營在專業、人力、成本與效率方面無法與民間企業競爭,於民國96年依促參法-文教設施-OT方式委外經營。 親水體驗教育區為結合運動、休閒、娛樂之新型場館,戶外有游泳湖及水域遊憩設施;室內有溫水游泳池、SPA池及健身俱樂部;玻璃帷幕外牆,面小觀音山,景色優美;且鄰公館捷運站,交通便利,人潮洶湧,具經營優勢,惟OT廠商合約到期不再續約。本研究主要探討規劃、興建、招商、營運過程中,以OT委外是否達到「公辦民營」之目標及推動過程政府及民間企業面臨之問題。 研究過程中發現,案例之體適能中心與市民運動中心雷同。市民運動中心係市府打造健康城市、養成市民終身運動習慣之推廣據點,以公務預算興建,權利金計算在兼顧公益、回饋方案下,給予民間合理經營利潤,並未考量折舊與成本回收。惟自來水處背負事業經營與政策執行雙重任務,經營自負盈虧,權利金計收須考量房地租金、稅金與折舊,相對市民運動中心之權利金較高。本案為市府前幾個委外之促參案,在推動過程中,因政策時程要求,不論在規劃設計、興建施工、招商評選、營運管理階段,均面臨一些困難與問題,本研究經由文獻探討、專家訪談及系統化的探討、分析,歸納綜整自來水處開發附屬遊憩事業委外經營面臨之8個重要課題:可行性評估、廠商資格訂定、工程施工、評選機制、續約機制、營運成本、財務稽核及風險分攤,並研提因應解決對策與建議,提供事業單位開發附屬事業之參考。


Despite the fact that Taiwan ranks 18th on the list of water-scarce countries worldwide, the water consumption per capita in Taiwan is 2-3 times more than that of the Western European countries. To promote water resources education and diversify the uses of government-owned properties, Taipei Water Department (TWD) started the Taipei Water Park project in 2000. In compliance with the Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects (PPPIP), TWD contracted out the Aqua-friendly Experiencing Area, a part of the Taipei Water Park, in order to increase its competitiveness in costs and management efficiency in 2007. The Aqua-friendly Experiencing Area is a multi-functional facility that incorporates sport, fitness, and education near busy commercial area with convenience access to public transportation. In spite of the operating advantages, the contractor elected not to renew the concession contract. Hence, this thesis focuses on the studies of the efficiency of outsourcing the concession of a government-owned property, also known as Operate-Transfer (OT), and the difficulties faced by both parties. Unlike some public facilities that charge low royalty fees given the financial support from government funds, TWD has to charge higher royalty fees in order to comply with its dual mandate of enforcing PPPIP regulation and generating profits for the city government. Moreover, TWD also faces other problems during planning, constructing, and bidding as one of the first PPPIP projects. Therefore, this thesis aims to study and analyze eight essential topics of outsourcing the concession of the Taipei Water Park: feasibility evaluation, construction, contractor qualification, contractor evaluation and selection, contract renewal, operating costs, financial auditing, and risk management. In addition, the thesis also proposes possible solutions for the problems which may occur to the similar projects to come.


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