  • 學位論文


The ethicalization of garbage? The transformation of garbage governance and recycle regime in Taiwan, Taipei

指導教授 : 王志弘


長久以來,垃圾都是都市環境治理的重要課題,消費社會降臨而與日俱增的固體廢棄物,更釀成都市環境治理的危機。本文首先爬梳台北市垃圾處裡的轉變,勾勒1980年代起經歷的掩埋場飽和及焚化爐公害的兩次垃圾危機。為了紓解危機,台北市將垃圾終端處理方式由掩埋轉向焚化,繼而轉變成當前倡導資源回收的全民運動。本文主張,這個轉變過程透露了一個兼具條理秩序和道德意涵的「垃圾倫理化」趨勢,資源回收是一種塑造垃圾秩序的新機制,讓民眾知曉不同垃圾的特性和處理方式,同時進入了環境主義論述下的垃圾減量和愛惜資源倫理觀。再者,不同的資源回收場域也日益增加,除了公部門接手資源回收工作,慈濟等民間宗教團體、私人企業回收場也慢慢興起,替代了傳統的拾荒,這些場域都展現了不同的垃圾處理秩序和邏輯。 「垃圾倫理化」的治理趨勢轉變,促使台北市處理垃圾的日常生活實踐有了變化。市政府為了推展資源回收工作,發展了一套更細緻的治理術,以改變民眾生活習慣為目的,令垃圾治理術深入了民眾日常生活,並要求民眾承擔更多的減量、分類、等待回收的工作與職責。市政府不同於過去掩埋與焚化爐對於科學技術解決方案的偏執,晚近的資源回收體制則在技術之外,建立起社會面的垃圾處理之道。 進步的城市必須要有文明的垃圾治理術以為搭配。近年來,乾淨的都市空間和環保意象已經成為全球城市競爭與行銷的利器,垃圾作為環境清理的主要對象,必須展現其「棄之有道,處之有方」。然而本文也發現,市政府雖以綠色環保作為民眾從事資源回收的道德號召,據以建立資源回收體制,但是,實際的回收實踐則展現了多重的主體樣貌,而非完全遵循垃圾治理的規訓。


垃圾 資源回收 治理 倫理 主體


Municipal solid waste is always an important issue of urban environmental governance. The increasing garbage with the emergence of consumer society has formed the crisis of environmental governance in Taipei. Saturated landfills and the public nuisance by incinerators have been two major garbage crises in Taipei since the 1980s. To solve the problem, the Taipei government attempted to focus on recycling work. This paper argues that this trend leads to the ethicalization of garbage. Recycling is a mechanism to form new orders of garbage, including rules and moral meanings. On the one hand, government needs to educate people the different characteristics and manage ways of different garbage, and constructs the consciousness of environmental discourses. On the other hand, there are more recycling fields rising in Taipei. Private environmental enterprises and religious groups like Tzu Chi replaced the traditional scavengers, becoming the new actors in Taipei’s recycle governance regime. Each field performs their own rules and ethics of garbage management. In order to improve the recycling work, Taipei government has developed a more sophisticated governance technique. It penetrated into citizen’s everyday life. For instance, it requires citizens to wait garbage truck, to change their wasting habit and to shoulder more work and responsibility in municipal waste governance. Unlike the landfill and incinerator periods in which garbage problem was solved by terminal technology, recycle governance regime attempt to handle it by a new social way. A progress city must have civilized waste. In the recent trend of city competition, clean urban space and environmentalism images are the effective tools for upgrading city’s ranking. Garbage, as a major subject of environmental governance, must be managed in a civilized way. Nevertheless, we find that even though the government uses green environment as a symbol to establish the official governance regime, there are still many recycle ways, logics, ethics and subjects. Not all people follow the green governance’s discipline.


garbage recycling governmentality ethics subject




