  • 學位論文


Research on carbon reduction strategies of low carbon community households

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


近年來,隨著科技進步,及資源消耗與日俱增,由製程排放至環境受體之污染物不僅導致環境惡化日益嚴重,更造成溫室效應(Greenhouse effect)、氣候變遷(climate change)等環境議題;為了呼應全球資源永續利用及節能減碳趨勢,行政院於2009年的「第三次全國能源會議」中,提出建構「低碳家園」的具體期程,將分為三個階段達到目標。期望以「低碳示範社區」建構為基礎,並結合民間資源及力量,逐步發展「低碳城市」及「低碳生活圈」,加速達到低碳家園與永續社會之遠景。低碳社區,又叫作碳中和社區,意為在一個社區裡,所有活動中產生的碳排放量,能降到最少。 本研究透過文獻整理,將低碳改造區分為六大面向,分別為生態綠化、低碳建築及節能、低碳交通、資源循環、再生能源及低碳生活減碳等六大面向,扣除無法量化計算之低碳生活面向,本研究以模式模擬五大面向各措施所能達成之減碳量,在各面向中,提出各種減碳措施,每項措施均有其實施特性,本研究依照各特性,並配合下述之社區住戶型態加以考量,依照社區特性提出模擬結果。 在社區住戶形態方面,臺灣之住戶可依照下列特性加以分類,包含分布地區、社區位置及住宅型態加以分類,並提出各型態之社區住戶差異,共模擬出18種情境之社區家戶減碳效益。 依據模擬出之減碳效果,位於都市之社區住戶,對於低碳交通之減碳效果較偏遠社區為大,而在生態綠化面向則相反,以偏遠社區之減碳效果較大;在越接近南部,太陽日射量越高,越有利發展太陽能熱水器;各住戶型態之基礎用電量不同,也影響節能及低碳建築之減碳效果,本研究分別對各社區住戶提出低碳改造之建議模式,供地方政府推動低碳社區之施政參考,並納入總減碳量之概念,希望將人口及住戶密度之影響反映在結果上,提供各政府推動低碳發展之參考。


低碳社區 家戶 減碳策略 節能 低碳交通


In recent years, with in technology advances, and increasing resource consumption, pollutants emissions from the manufacturing process into the environment not only leads to environmental degradation, resulting in more greenhouse effect, climate change and other environmental issues; to echoing the sustainable use of resources and the global carbon reduction trend, the Executive Yuan in 2009, "the Third National energy Conference" proposes to construct specific timetables of "low-carbon homes" will be divided into three stages to reach the goal. Expectations based of "low-carbon model community" and combine private resources and forces, progressively development to "low-carbon city" and "low-carbon living area," the vision of low-carbon homes and sustainable society. Low-carbon communities, also called carbon neutral community, which means in a community, the carbon emissions generated in all the activities, can be reduced to a minimum. This research through literature review will be divided low-carbon transformation into six kinds, namely eco-green, low-carbon and energy-efficient buildings, low carbon transport, recycling, renewable energy and low-carbon livin, deduction low-carbon life which can not be quantified calculated, this study model simulations five parts for each carbon reduction, in each part, put forward various carbon reduction initiatives, each has its implementation characteristics, according to a characteristic of the present study, and with the following types of community residents to be considered, the simulation results presented in accordance with community characteristics. Morphology of households in the community, will be separate by each characteristics in Taiwan, including the distribution area of the northern, central or southern; community location is located in the urban or rural communities; and residential patterns of pure residential, with industrial use and with commercial or service use to classify. According to the results of model, the effect of low carbon transport located in the city's community residents is bigger than communities located in rural, but in the eco-green, effect in rural is bigger than in urban community; in southern area, sun-light in more than north area, also more favorable to development the solar water heaters; based consumption in different households types, also made different effect of energy-saving and low-carbon buildings, this study try to make recommendation of each household types for local governments to promote low-carbon communities policy reference, and incorporate the concept of the total amount of carbon reduction, hoping to influence the density of population and households is reflected in the results.


鄭光炎、吳維斌,2009,自行車道之效益分析與設計,Pavemant Engineering 8, 3, 59-66。
