  • 學位論文

「創新的傳統」: 談臺灣茶與創意產業─誠品松菸書卷沏為例

“Innovation of Tradition”: Tea, Culture, and Creative Industry in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 洪伯邑




文化 傳統 創意產業 松菸 商品鏈


Creative industry worldwide has repackaged culture as a strategy of value production for a “traditional” commodity in the market. Nevertheless, the repackage of culture for value production has been controversial with a dispute between two opposite perceptions towards “tradition.” On one hand, people criticize that creative industry has commercialized culture by packaging “tradition” as a commodity. Consequently, they caution the loss of “authenticity” of culture if “tradition” is commercialized. On the contrary, other people claim that commercialization of tradition as an imperative strategy for sustaining a culture. They regard “authenticity” of culture is too ideal to keep if “tradition” cannot be repackaged as a commodity to sell in the market. Throughout this essay, instead of contesting “authenticity” of culture, I argue more attentions should be paid to the process of cultural “renovation.” Renovation therefore highlights culture as a dynamic process in the creative industry. I use the production and consumption of tea in Taiwan as my case study to demonstrate that “tradition” of tea culture has been in the ongoing “renovation”. The process of renovation of tea tradition, I argue, has become another mechanism to re-engineer a “cultural entrepreneurship” for making profit out from the fluidity of culture.


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