  • 學位論文


Regulatory Conditions for Media Mergers and Their Oversight-A Case Study of Dafu Media Acquiring Kbro Cable

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


近年來,台灣發生許多媒體併購案,從旺旺集團買下中天家族頻道與中視以後,又發生大富媒體併購凱擘股份有限公司的案例。2010年11月,NCC核准了此媒體併購案,但也附加了15個附款。因此,也引發了NCC能否審理媒體併購案的爭議。反對NCC得審查媒體併購案者認為,我國《有線廣播電視法》並無類似《廣播電視法》第14條的相關規範,因此關於股權轉讓事項,NCC不得審查。然而,有線電視系統的設立,採許可制,按照大法官對於「授權明確性」的解釋,主管機關NCC得審理凱擘旗下系統的股權轉讓。根據《行政程序法》第93條規定,NCC就媒體併購案擁有裁量權限,在核准併購時,得基於政策目的附加附款。但附加附款不得漫無限制,而必須符合「正當合理的關連」。這樣的法律見解,目前也得到我國行政法院的支持。   NCC在2010年核准大富媒體併購凱擘股份有限公司,同時也附加了15個附款。這15個附款分為六大類:推動有線電視數位化、投資數位內容產業、降低有線電視收視費用、垂直整合的限制、水平整合的限制與數位視訊平台的競爭。此六大類附款,未必每一個附款都有法規依據,但若要求每一項附款都要求法規依據將使管制機關喪失彈性。根據《通訊傳播基本法》第1條規定,NCC的管制必須符合「促進通訊傳播的發展」、「保障消費者權益」及「提升多元文化」等,基於這些目的附加的附款,就不違反「正當合理的關連」的原則。   NCC核准了併購案之後,不代表任務結束,更重要的是,必須要確實監督業者是否履行附款。根據訪談結果,仍然有部分附款業者並未履行。舉例而言,業者當初也承諾會協助MOD取得本土頻道的上架。但是,併購案通過至今,並沒有本土頻道上架MOD。這都代表NCC在核准併購案之後,業者並未遵守當初的承諾,而NCC也無嚴格查核。因此,NCC一旦核准了媒體併購案,就必須嚴格把關。


有線電視 大富 凱擘 媒體併購 媒體集團


In recent years, many cases of media mergers and acquisitions happened in Taiwan. After Want Want Group merged CTV and CtiTV, Dafu Media acquired Kbro Cable. NCC approved Dafu Media merged Kbro Cable in 2010, but also asked Dafu to promise 15 requirements. Therefore, it caused the dispute of the right of hearing a merger and acquisition case of NCC. Opponent thinks that NCC cannot examine the case of merger and acquisition because there is no rule of law which authorizes NCC to hear a case of equity transfer. However, according to the rule of law in Taiwan, the establishment of the system operator has to be permitted by NCC. Therefore, on the basis of the spirit of law, NCC can examine the media merger cases. When NCC approved the merger, NCC asked the corporation to promise 15 requirements. The requirements can divide into 6 categories: provide the digital CATV service, invest on digital content industry, reduce the price of watching CATV, the limitation of vertical integration, the limitation of horizontal integration and the competition of MVPD. Each requirement has to conform to the principles: promoting the development of industry of communication, protecting the consumers’ right and stepping up the multi-culture. The most important of all, NCC must supervise the corporation to complete the requirement. According to the interview, Dafu did not complete some requirements. For example, after NCC approved the merger, there are no native channels on MOD. It reveals that the corporation did not fulfill its promise. Therefore, if NCC approved the merger, NCC ought to supervise the corporation strictly.


CATV Dafu Kbro Media Merger Media Group


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