  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of Professional Learning Community on Teaching Effectiveness – With an Example of Yilan Junior High School Teachers

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究旨在探討國中教師專業學習社群對教學效能之影響,並瞭解不同社群運作情形,是否影響教師專業學習社群特徵與教師教學效能,以及社群實施困境是否對教師專業學習社群特徵與教師教學效能間之關係有調節效果。本研究採問卷調查法,編製「國民中學教師專業學習社群與教學效能之問卷」為研究工具。調查對象為參與103年度宜蘭縣國中精進教學之學習社群教師,共487人,回收之有效問卷343份,問卷持續回收中。本研究之資料處理以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、Pearson相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法,進行資料分析。 本研究之結論為: (一)宜蘭縣國中教師專業學習社群運作現況以8人以上且同學科領域為主,運作內涵以教學研究為多,每學年運作次數以不超過5次為多,社群運作時間大多超過3年。 (二)宜蘭縣國中教師對專業學習社群特徵覺知佳,以「共同願景與目標」及「情感凝聚力與歸屬感」因素覺知最高。 (三)宜蘭縣國中教師的教學效能表現佳,以「教材內容的呈現」因素表現最高。 (四)宜蘭縣國中教師覺知的社群實施困境偏低,稍微認同社群「缺乏充足經費」。 (五)不同「職務」、「運作內涵」、「社群規模」之宜蘭縣國中教師對教師專業學習社群特徵覺知的有顯著差異。 (六)不同「任教年資」、「學校規模」之宜蘭縣國中教師,其教師教學效能表現有顯著差異;不同運作情形之社群其教師教學效能表現則無顯著差異。 (七)宜蘭縣國中教師專業學習社群特徵對教師教學效能表現有正向顯著預測力,且「專業省思與持續成長」為影響教師教學效能之重要因素。 (八)社群實施困境對教師專業學習社群及教師教學效能的影響不大。


This study aims to investigate the effect of junior high school teachers’ professional learning communities on their teaching effectiveness. In addition, this study examines the effect of community background variables on community characteristics as well as teaching effectiveness. Furthermore, the study explores the moderate effect of community barriers on the relationship between community characteristics and teaching effectiveness. This is a quantitative research. The target population consists of 487 junior high schools teachers in Yilan County who voluntarily participated in the professional learning community program promoted by the Yilan County Government Educational Department. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data and a total of 343 valid questionnaires were retrieved for data analysis (valid return rate: 70.43%). Statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation, and stepwise multiple regression were used for data analysis. The study found that: (1) the majority of professional learning community for junior high school teachers in Yilan was for teachers teaching the same domain of subject, aiming to improve their instructional skills as well as professional competence in a theoretical way. (2) the current teachers’ perception of community characteristics and teaching effectiveness are above the upper middle level. Yet the community barriers were perceived low. (3) the content of professional learning community showed a significant and positive effect on community characteristics and teaching effectiveness. (4) community characteristic positively and significantly affected teaching effectiveness. (5) community barrier did not show a significant moderating effect on the relationship between community characteristics and teaching effectiveness.


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