  • 學位論文


Public Service Motivation and Emotional Labor in Government Organizations:A Case of Zhonghe District Office,New Taipei City

指導教授 : 黃一峯


本研究旨在探討區公所員工對於公共服務動機、情緒勞務、 工作滿意度、離職傾向及工作倦怠之認知情形,並驗證各相關構面的關係,得以激發員工之公共服務動機並減緩情緒勞務之負荷,提昇工作滿意度,避免產生工作倦怠及緩和離職傾向以提供未來人力資源管理上採取相關措施。 首先運用文獻探討獲得相關資訊,確定研究架構及設計問卷內容,以新北市中和區公所員工為對象進行調查,總計發出215份問卷,研究者共計回收198份,有效問卷191份,回收率為92.1%,綜合各項實證分析資料,本研究發現公共服務動機對工作滿意度有相當程度之影響,而個體統計變項中教育程度對工作倦怠及離職傾向產生影響,年齡則對離職傾向及公共服務動機產生影響,婚姻對於工作滿意度有其影響;至於在情緒勞務對於工作倦怠、離職傾向及工作滿意度,公共服務動機對於工作倦怠及離職傾向則未發現顯著相關。最後,根據研究之結果,提供未來管理階層建議及後續研究者之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception level among the staff in local government of their public service motivation, emotional labor, job satisfaction, turnover intention, burnout, and verify that all related aspects of the relationship between public service motivations. It can inspire employees to slow down the emotional labor load, to enhance job satisfaction, to avoid job burnout and ease of turnover intention to take relevant measures in the future human resource management. Firstly, the literature to obtain the relevant information to determine the structure and design of the questionnaire content, survey object to the new Taipei City and district office staff. A total of 215 questionnaires were distributed, the return of 198 respondents, 191 copies were valid. The participation rate is 92.1%, the statistical methods to take the descriptive statistics. All the empirical analysis of the data, this study found a considerable degree of public service motivation on job satisfaction the impact of individual statistical variables level of education have an impact on job burnout and turnover intention, age motivation on turnover intention and public services, the impact of marriage has its impact on job satisfaction; emotional labor for job burnout, turnover intention. The job satisfaction of public service motivation not significantly related to job burnout and turnover intention. Finally, according to the results of the study, to provide management recommendations and future researches.


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