  • 學位論文


A Study on the Impact of Mother and Teacher Disciplinary Styles on Upper Grade Elementary School Students’ Learning Behavior in Taipei

指導教授 : 鈕方頤


本研究旨在探討臺北市國民小學高年級學童母親與級任教師的管教方式對國小學童學習行為之影響。本研究以問卷調查法,並以隨機抽樣方式,選取臺北市國民小學以及與母親同住之五、六年級國小學童為研究對象。以自編之「國小學童母親與級任教師管教方式與學習行為之研究問卷」為研究工具,共取得468位臺北市6所公立國小高年級學童樣本。所得資料採用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t考驗及單因子變異數分析。根據研究結果,歸納出以下結論: 一、國小學童具有中等程度以上的良好學習行為,且「將老師交代的事做完」、「解決難題」、「成績高低的重要性」、「快樂學習」、「了解課程內容」為學童表現最好,且最重視的學習行為。 二、母親管教方式為「開明權威」的國小學童,在整體學習行為表現上較其他母親管教方式的國小學童佳,母親管教方式為「忽視冷漠」的國小學童,在整體學習行為表現上較其他母親管教方式的國小學童表現上較差。 三、教師管教方式為「開明權威」的國小學童,在整體學習行為表現上較其他教師管教方式的國小學童佳,教師管教方式為「忽視冷漠」的國小學童,在整體學習行為表現上較其他教師管教方式的國小學童表現上較差。 四、國小學童之學習行為因「性別」、「家庭經濟狀況」、「兄弟姊妹數」而有顯著差異。 (一)、在「學習動機」上,女生明顯比男生高。 (二)、在「學習習慣」以及「整體學習行為」上,家境清寒的國小學童表現較好。 (三)、在「學習習慣」以及「整體學習行為」上,沒有兄弟姊妹的國小學童表現較好。 五、國小學童之整體學習行為因母親與教師管教方式配對之不同而有顯著差異。母親與教師管教方式配對下,以母親與教師管教方式皆為「開明權威」的國小學童在整體學習行為上表現最好。 最後,依據研究結果與結論,對實務與未來研究方向提出建議,以供家長與學校以及未來研究之參考,期望對管教之教育議題發展有所助益。 關鍵詞:母親管教方式;教師管教方式;學習行為


This study investigates the impact of mother and teacher disciplinary styles on upper grade elementary school students’ learning behavior in Taipei. Through random sampling, questionnaires were distributed to fifth and sixth grade students in Taipei who live with their mothers. A total of 486 valid samples from 6 elementary schools were obtained. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, t-test and one-way ANOVA. The main research findings are as follows: 1.Learning behavior of elementary school students is above the intermediate level. Students consider “Complete all homework”. “Solve difficult problems”, “Get better scores”, “Learn with happiness”, and “Understand all course material” to be the most important. 2.Students whose mothers adopt an authoritative disciplinary style have higher scores of learning behavior. Students whose teachers adopt a neglecting disciplinary style have lower scores of learning behavior. 3.Students whose teachers adopt an authoritative disciplinary style have higher scores of learning behavior. Students whose teachers adopt a neglecting disciplinary style have lower scores of learning behavior. 4.Significant differences exist amongst students of different gender, family economic status, and number of siblings. a.Female students have better learning behavior. b.Students from lower economic status families have higher scores in learning habit and overall learning behavior. c.Students with no siblings have high scores in learning habit and overall learning behavior. 5.Significant differences exist amongst different matchings of mother and teacher disciplinary styles. Students whose mother and teacher both adopt an authoritative disciplinary style obtain the highest learning behavior scores. Based on research findings, this study proposes suggestions for future research and parental and school practice.


郭生玉(1980)。教師期望與教師行為及學生學習行為關係之分析。教育心理學報,13,133 -152。


