  • 學位論文


The Preliminary Research on the Correlation between Internet Service’s Media Characteristics and Internet Addiction

指導教授 : 唐大崙


本研究以「媒介生態學」角度討論數位媒介與人互動的影響。有鑑於美國科技作家Nicolars Carr認為,使人深深沉迷於網路的原因為網路媒介具備正向立即回饋的能力,其更改變了我們的注意力、專注力以及記憶力,顯然,網路成癮是首要條件,然,Carr提出的論點尚未有相關研究可供佐證,遂,本研究透過問卷設計以及網路成癮量表工具,進行初步的量化研究,瞭解正向即時回饋能力與網路成癮之關係。 研究顯示,具有即時回饋能力特性的網路服務與成癮呈相關顯著,再者,控制時間變項下的結果,也顯示媒介特質與網路成癮呈相關顯著。


This study is from media ecology perspective to discuss the impact of the interaction between the digital media and the users. Since the American writer Nicholas Carr believes that uses are addicted to Internet for the media characteristics, positive and immediate feedbacks, which distract us and change our memory. Apparently, Internet addition is the prime condition. However, Carr’s points seem to be subjective, this study tries to find out the correlation between immediacy of feedback and Internet addiction by designing the questionnaire and quoting CIAS-R. The result revealed that the correlation between the immediacy of feedback and Internet addiction was significant. Furthermore, control the variable of time, the result also showed that Internet addition was relevant to the media characteristics.


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