  • 學位論文


Research on the rights to education of the Convention on the Rights of the Child -Influence on Japan and the prospection in Taiwan-

指導教授 : 胡慶山


兒童權利公約乃國際社會對保障兒童人權的基本承諾,亦是獲得最多國家批准的人權條約。因兒童處於整體社會中極為弱勢之地位故兒童更需全體國民共同來捍衛。 本論文架構,乃以兒童權利公約第二八條教育權為主軸加以論述,除介紹兒童權利公約之制定經緯外,更針對兒童權利公約第二八條之逐項內容進行論述,再者檢視日本國憲法、教育基本法之條文是否符合兒童權利公約之教育權的保障加以探究,並輔以相關事例作為驗證。 更進一步以日本政府報告書、日本律師聯合會之反論報告、聯合國兒童權利公約委員會之最終見解探討日本國內對於兒童權利公約之教育權的實施成效,而藉由日本之經驗與成效,期望作為台灣日後於兒童之教育權的未來展望與參考。 藉由兒童權利公約之教育權,導出兒童為其學習之主體,故兒童之教育權。


兒童權利公約 教育權 兒童


The Convention on the Rights of the Child (the “CRC”) is the basic commitment of the international community for ensuring children's human rights, and is also the treaty of human rights which is sanctioned by most countries in the world. The status of children in society is a tendency toward weak, and therefore children need to be defended and protected by all the people even more. The structure of this thesis focuses on Article 28 of the CRC, which means in addition to introducing the constitution in connection with the legislation of the CRC, it further discusses the content of Article 28 of the CRC in detail. Besides, it also explores whether the regulations of the Constitution of Japan and the Fundamental Law of Education are compliance with the protection of the education right under the CRC by providing relevant examples to verify. It goes a step further to discuss and explore the implementation of the education right under the CRC in Japan through the Initial Report of Japan, the counter report provided by Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Rights of the Child: Japan. Expect that the experience and effect of Japan is able to be the reference and prospect for facilitating children’s education right of Taiwan in the future. Through the education right of the CRC, it draws out children as the subject of learning. Thus, the education right of children shall in no event be limited or infringed by any countries, political parties or people, and the rights to education shall be protected by the Convention on the Rights of the child.




