  • 學位論文


A Study on the Development of Notebook PCs through an Integrated Quality Function Deployment Model

指導教授 : 時序時 徐煥智


在新產品開發 (New Product Development, NPD) 專案中,從接單、設計到試製完成,最重要的是在設計階段。它與接單的成功有密切的關聯,也會影響到未來的製造生產,甚至使用時的售後服務成本。本研究即在提出一個整合型品質機能展開 (Quality Function Deployment, QFD) 模式,協助新產品的開發。並以一個國內原始設計製造廠的筆記型電腦 (Notebook PC, NB) 的開發專案為例,探究本建議模式導入的可行性。期藉不同分析工具協助提昇開發過程中的客戶滿意度,並減少產品生命週期後段的困擾,俾增加公司的長期獲利性。 本論文採用品質機能展開、Kano模式、分析層級程序法 (Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP) 、價值工程 (Value Engineering, VE) 等多重技術整合到新產品開發上。並建議一個三階段的品質屋 (House of Quality, HOQ) 展開模式於整個開發流程中,其中藉由問卷調查、專家訪談、業務提供的客戶需求資料,及工程部門提供的產品系統功能、元件項目與成本分析資料,代入品質屋中進行分析、計算與排序,以便將客戶需求的優先順序,使用群體決策,適切反應到產品規格及零件選擇時諸多問題的處理與判斷,到最終一個新產品開發的完成。 最後,本建議模式經過專家深度訪談,評估確認其導入的價值。將可從傾聽客戶的聲音,了解客戶的需要,排定客戶需要項目的優先順序,在設計時並加入協同設計的功能,以改進新產品開發流程。如此可以減少作業時間 (勞力、測試、分析及除錯的負擔) ,改進新產品的品質及縮短新產品發展週期,終能為企業創造額外利潤。


The design is the most important stage in a New Product Development (NPD) project, which usually goes through from order acceptance, design, to the end of pilot run. Product design is closely related to the success of order receiving. It will influence the future manufacturing and production, even the after-sale service cost. Thus, this study proposes an integrated Quality Function Deployment (QFD) model to improve the product design process. A case of Notebook computer (NB) development project is used to verify the feasibility of the proposed model. The project case uses different analysis tools to enhance the integration in the product development process, aim at reducing the redesign spikes after production and increasing the company’s profitability in long term. This study integrates Quality Function Deployment, Kano’s model, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Value Engineering (VE) technologies into the new product development project. The project implements a House of Quality (HOQ), a three-stage deployment model, into the whole new product development. This project case employs data from surveyed questionnaires, in-depth interviews, customers’ requirements, product functions, component items and cost analysis information. These data are then entered into the House of Quality for analyzing, calculating and sorting to set the priorities of customers’ requirements. Group decision making process can help to get quick responses to problems such as product specification, component selection, problems solving and judgment. Finally, the proposed model was verified through in-depth interview of specialists to evaluate the implementation values. The study confirms that by listening to the voice of customers, understanding what customer needs, setting priorities based on customers’ demands, can enhance concurrent design and improve new product development. Thus, integrating the model into new product development will result in reducing the total operation time (such as the burden of laboring, testing, analyzing and debugging), improving the quality of new product, shortening the design cycle of new product, and creating more benefits for a company.


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